Thought to be Britain's rarest bloom, what type of flower is lady's slipper?
Correct answer: Orchid

Pimpao +, I still find them, only occasionally, here in New England.

Player Elf Counsel
ImpertinentPony72241, I used to see them on the golf course near our house in Gloucestershire. Now we live in Queensland, Australia and our state flower is the Cooktown orchid. They actually bear a strong resemblance to each other.

Player #118197,
That would make it too easy and spoil the fun.

Player Elf Counsel, hi im from Gloucestershire and if you're interested my friend Jamie Warren is a local botanist on facebook and often posts pictures of plants in the area

I also find some in our woods in n.j.

they are all over here in the woods along with Trilium. white and pink and red and purple, yellow too!! upstate northern New York by Canada and Vermont, The Adirondacks.

Player #118197
Pimpao +, I agree...question should have included an accurate picture.

Pimpao +
get a picture please