Where would you see an ornamental pattern known as 'smocking'?
Correct answer: On clothing

SharingCity, Maternity tops were commonly made with smocking. I had such tops in the mid 60’s, and they went further back than that. Also, some little girls’ dresses were smocked. Results were very pretty.

SharingCity, used it in my little girl's dresses in the 1960's.

Missy K
SFGiantsGirl821, jewelry is spelled differently in other countries, as are colour (color) and favourite (favorite), and I'm sure many others. I've noticed it mostly where the the ORIGINAL English language is derived. I'm from The States and am grateful I've had exposure to other cultures. I learned it can be spelled differently by reading books written by authors from around the world. Anyway, smocking sounds like a great craft and I will definitely be looking for more information about smocking. I guessed incorrectly, mistakes are ok to make if you learn from your err. Now, I will go learn more about smocking.
Everyone, enjoy your day!

Guillermo Jr.
my mom used to sew clothes for us back in the 70s using "Simplicity" patterns

Nora, my grandma smoked baby desses when I had my first daughter

stashio2020, also a knitting craft. I used to do smocked knitted baby dresses.

Mardell Riley
never seen before

Player Gigi #28446253
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, I have done all kinds of embroidery and crewel, but I never learned how to smock or to to cutwork. I still have time!

Mardell Riley, You still haven’t, unless you research it. Picture lied.

Player #15570789
PatScott19, true. Smocking is very pretty along with embroidery on it. I still remember a blue smocked frock that I had.

Taina19PR, I saw lots of Simplicity patterns growing up in the 60s and 70s. We were a large family, so my mother sewed and taught my sisters. Even I learned how to stitch and sew on buttons as a boy.

Guillermo Jr., guess not many people know about "Simplicity Patterns". I grew up in NYC &
My Mom was a seamstress & even she used them.
Now that we live in a DISPOSABLE SOCIETY.

Player #2512936
RagingHoplite71101, Do watch your spelling. No one smokes Fabric. 🤗

Player #4685238, Like the Norfolk Broads :)

Nora, smocked

I've never heard of it but I guessed right because of using smocks doing art to keep my shirt clean