Which artist's painting 'Le Grand Canal' was sold in 2015 for over $35 million?
Correct answer: Claude Monet

art is so important .I believe it can help relieve stress .It's therapeutic for many .used to to love to do it ,should start again

Tinker20665, No one can mistake Monet's lovely misty style, I believe his sight was failing and this is what he saw. Sad, but lucky for us!

* Seshati *
I just love monets art 🖼

Sora Album
if it's a beautiful wholesome water color painting, it's always Monet... I'm starting a conspiracy here.

I do like M. Claude Monet's work... 😍

whenever it's an art question the answer always seems to be monet

Ireland abú
Glesgabhoy88, except when it's Picasso or Dali

I went for monet, because of his sight. mist of his paintings are blurred due to his near vision, being heavily short sighted. Most if not all of his paintings are blurred in the background.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, he had cataracts

Player #15915594
gordo. to bad most of the greatest painters are gone