What does 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' refer to?
Correct answer: English Cavalry attacking in the Crimean War

I have played a lot of games a lot of trivia games I enjoy them I have never in my life enjoy the game so much not only does this game give you a variety of choices of categories and different questions but it also explains every answer right or wrong to you I'm very impressed and I'll recommend this game too many thank you!

Player Knightwhosays
There is a gravestone in St. Helena's churchyard in Beaufort SC for a William Cory an Englishman who survived the Charge of the Light Brigade and also fought for the Confederate Army in the Civil war and also survived that too

Jeannie Beach
Calvary was where Christ was crucified.

Half a league, half a league, half a league onward, all in the valley of Death rode the six hundred.

Actually I'm from Crimea and have to mention that name of the bay and town nearby is Balaklava (not Balaclaya).

First time ever playing this game. Seems cool how it explains in detail the answer. Impressive. Kudos to the maker of this game.

sad to think what if that never needed to take place. How many artist, doctors,fathers, brothers brilliant inventors, Pastors great grandpa's who because of their seed could've given birth to the dude that stamped out war in this world forever,,,,,, sad I say,,,,,war is a sad sad sad thing. so sad.

"Ours is not to reason why, ours is just to do and die"

Gëna Lyn Froggatt
Cavalry is the correct spelling and is the correct answer too about Englisg cavalry in the Crimean War

Pardon me for being super nerdy, but they were not decimated, unless only one 10th were killed. More like obliterated... And it's "cavalry," not "calvary."

Player #14769704
VintageMoose2293, I agree 100%

classic lord cardigan

Player #148809141
Playerwow! so cool! guy had some luck or mad skill (or a really good hiding place. lol) good info. thx Knightwhosays,

Player #148809141
VintageMoose2293, I agree! I love learning! this game is awesome.

Jeannie Beach, hence Calvinism I suppose

Tiger Mumzy
I can't believe I got this wrong! Thank you for providing the information though, very much appreciated.

I enjoy all these games they are really a lot of fun especially answering the questions

Player #126414050
I absolutely love learning some of this History in our Country 😀

Player #145106978
Mars, the motto of the gladiators was;we who are about to die,salute you.They said this to the Roman Emperor,as he sat amongst the crowd watching the fight.

Player #145106978
Gëna Lyn Froggatt, there were two types of cavalry in the crimea;hussars & dragoons.The Light Brigade were the 11th Hussars.

Player #145106978
Mriya, Yes,it's also where the name for the woollen head covering comes from.Most of the English soldiers wore woollen balaclavas against the bitter cold.

Jeannie Beach, Cavalry


I do not understand why the quiz masters of this game have such a tough time with England/English, Britain/British, and United Kingdom. These terms are WELL DEFINED and known more by the quiz-takers than the writers. Please do better. We beg you.

I don't even know this

مين مش

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Question should read "British" not just "English" as written. Scot and Irish had a significant presence in the Light Brigade.

EddieConEddie, Agreed, brother!

Mriya, они так пишут

Question should read British, not just English. Scot and Irish were part of the Light Brigade. Britain is a United Kingdom, not just England.

Should read "British" not just "English", as Scot and Irish troops were very much a part of the Light Brigade (unsure if any Welsh but could have been). To say just "English", ignores their contribution to this famous charge.

British cav

VintageMoose2293, I agree

Remember when we had to learn this great poem.

Gingernuke1, that's the motto of gladiators in the arena of the Roman Colosseum where they were forced to battle to the death ... how unfortunate that hundreds of years after the fall of the Roman Empire, our army personnel (especially the lower ranked) still have to follow this doctrine 😓

Cat Mom
Player #96550553, YES LOL & that's why I check in daily & get the rewards & all of the helper boosters that I can!

Cat Mom
XenaWarriorArchivist, Thank you! I was trying to think of the difference to try to explain to them & it's the spelling & pronunciation, a different word entirely!

...stormed at with shot and shell, while horse and hero fell, them that had fought so well...

EddieConEddie, genes