How many people died at the Lake Nyos disaster?
Correct answer: 1,700

What an excellent description 🤣, very sorry about the souls lost though 😰

so sad!

Player #5513970
Omg this was awful. Bless them all

Player #51370184, limnic eruptions are where co2 is dissolved in large quantities in water,(due to cool temperatures and high pressure due to depth of the lake, similar to high pressure cans having co2 dissolved that bubbles on release) a change in the temperature or pressure caused by over saturation or volcanic activity releases the co2 causing either massive flooding or co2 gas clouds that suffocate people and livestock in the area.

Player #70553044
did not know anything about this rip to all that were lost

Marlene Nickey Brecht, Neither have I.

My 2 nephews died in a similar situation trying to install a water pump in a deep well. It is still devastating us!

RIP what a terrible death.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
guessing between 1,700 and 17,000, the latter is too.much, a catastrophe