Which famous artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Correct answer: Michelangelo

In my art history class, we learned that Michaelangelo didn't like one of the cardinals ( or bishops?) at the time and painted his likeness as a devil in an alter piece. The cardinal complained to the Pope, but the Pope thought it was funny and let it remain. I'd love to go see it in person!

my god,the man was amazing

mommyto6blondies, for hundreds of years it was thought that he painted the 65 foot high ceiling while lying on his back on scaffolding but historians now know that wasn't so. He was standing up on the scaffolding getting paint in his eyes and almost going blind. (www.pbs.org)

A true master!!

That’s right, I’ve seen it, it beautiful & it’s hard to believe it’s flat but it is, man was a genius....

Did you know each of the ninja turtles are named after Renaissance artists? Leonardo(Leo), raphael(raph), donatello(donny) and last but not least Michealangelo(Mikey). Hence the name of the science project that made them mutants: project Renaissance. 😊

FreezingAcolyte89399, Read The Agony and the Ecstasy if you want to learn more

Sleepy Karen #2139977
In high school, my history teacher said Michelangelo would steal fresh corpses from the cemetery to dissect and sketch. If you look at art before his time, the muscles and proportions of the human body’s were off. People looked lumpy. His dissections and sketches show how muscles really should look and how they attached to the bones. It was the cool bits like that that got me so fascinated with history and art. Thanks, Mrs. Shivers. You were the best teacher!

Pimpao +
one of the Greatest artists that ever lived !

He was a poet too? So much talent in one person!

Ylee, What monastery has corpses?

LwoLwo, We can't message each other on this app. It's a game.

Puma Girl
I'm still in awe

I saw the paintings of the Sistene Chapel several years ago. Would have appreciated it so much more if I'd done research ahead of time.

So many interesting comments. I wish I had paid more attention in my Intoduction to the Arts class I. college. It wasn't my interest at 18 years old.

DeepThinker, where are people like that today honestly honestly

Sleepy Karen #2139977, well that's a bit of History right there thank you

FiestyGatekeeper9287, what happened was that science project anyway I'm a little bit of a fan of the ninjas but I never saw what kind of into evenings but they're lovable means

Love learning about Art, thank you for this!

Cat Mom
KamKam, what about Him?

I saw the Sistine Chapel it's absolutely stunning

I think DaVinci did the same thing. He took corpses to study anatomy. How nauseating!

Apart from the ceiling itself, the walls are all painted 'trompe l'oiel' to resemble curtain hangings. You have to get within touching distance before realising they're not actually cloth. Stunning!
Amusement is also to be had from watching all the people surreptitiously trying to take forbidden photos of the ceiling, the bellowing of the guards and subsequent ejection of the embarrassed miscreant. 🤣

Glassygurl75, me too

FreezingAcolyte89399, r u Jessica?

please tell me how to answer to a mess on here. or how to find the message

I can't find a friend Jessica Hathaway. she was on my game wanting me to respond. how do I find her?

years ago someone playing this game recommended reading the novel The Agony and the Ecstacy by Irving Stone. I read it and I am so glad I did. It became one of my very favorites. It's a big book but I highly suggest reading it if you like interesting history.

Player #118103951
He lived to be 88. That's a great age in any Era but in the 16th Century is phenomenal.

And I had just read last month how he did paint it in Fresco manner which preserves the art much better than any other methods. Here it says Michelangelo painted the entirety of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in the medium of fresco. One of the most popular methods of painting during the Renaissance, fresco means fresh in Italian, and involves painting directly onto an area of freshly laid and still-wet lime-based plaster. The wet plaster chemically bonds with the pigment as it dries to form an impermeable and highly resilient image far more resistant to the ravages of time and environment than other methods of paint-based decoration. It also made it possible to cover enormous expanses of wall and ceiling such as the surfaces of the Sistine Chapel entirely with images. Wowwwe

It's worth noting that half the comments about one of the greatest artists of all time refer to Ninja Turtles. That is beyond sad.

Sleepy Karen #2139977, I just came back from Florence and saw the Michael, I cried, he actually went to the friers at a nearby monastery, and they let him dissect and study the corpses

In all the buzz about the Sistine Chapel and the David, don't miss Pieta--the only one of his works that Michelangelo signed. It's exquisite.

deeny, I noticed it

Glassygurl75, that's funny

With those names in the choice of answers, Splinter must have been the site manager

Mars V
Hairslinger, The Agony and the Ecstasy staring Charlton Heston.

Glassygurl75, that’s true,,that man’s life is fascinating to read about, look up documentaries on his life, very talented and interesting man, sometimes sad too, I hope he is happy with his after life,,

The real Italian painter, not the fictitious Ninja Turtle of the same name.

Sleepy Karen #2139977, I am sorry if I’m wrong but I always believed that it was Leonardo DaVinci who did this?? I remember reading that in history books. Maybe they both did?