What was Henry VIII's surname?
Correct answer: Tudor

Supposedly he was quite good looking in his younger days, but became gross, including a constantly draining leg. I felt sorry for his wives and concubines who were merely pawns in a dangerous political game.

flowercat0523, but I heard women were losing their heads over him?

Player #7890913
divorced, beheaded, died , divorced, beheaded , survived .

* Seshati *
flowercat0523, I think his jousting was the main factor for his mid-life down hill slide. He was married to his first wife for 20 yrs or something. While feeling the need to acquire a son for his line he sought the marriage of the much younger Anne. This marriage was still in its early stages when he had accident while jousting which rendered him unconscious for sometime .. I think this is when he gained a head injury that would alter his personality for the rest of his life. I dare say this was not his first head injury which apparently can be accumulative traumatic response, jousting is a ferocious sport. We know more about head injuries today than we did yesteryear, thank goodness I think these things need to be understood & people need to be aware that some sports may not kill but can injury one for life.

Player #13286156
Jo, he was crushed by his horse whilst jousting, he was unconscious for days injuring his legs and back and head after being trapped. His personality completely changed afterwards and he was in constant pain his legs needed to be drained and bled weekly according to historical notes.

No question about it, this guy used his power & influence to "bed" the unfortunate women he chose. They had litte choice in the matter. It was either sleep with the creep or suffer grave (I do mean "grave" consequences).

Red Rebel
His castle in England is amazing. Absolutely beautiful except the many dungeons. it's known as The Tower Of London.

by Hermans Hermits..lol

Poshmadoo, you are correct in some respects.. but it is called Hampton Court Palace and is about 20 miles downstream from London.. also on the Thames... a huge rambling red brick Hodgepodge of a building with a breathtaking garden... cheers to you! 😊

Player #25874027
You mean
I am Henry the eighth I am ?

little b
i love Tudors

Player #125843019
He was the father of the greatest queen England as ever had

tinabobina, again, groan ..

Player #7890913, Did you know that Anne of Cleves...(His 'Flanders Mare'!) lived the longest of all of them? Plus, after the divorce, she lived a good life in England, as Henry gave her a Castle to live in.

Beef001, Henry VII was the illegitimate son of Owen Tudor and Margaret Beaufort. He and his descendants were known as Tudors not Richmond.

PrincipledKahuna2027, Humpty Dumpty?

I remember learning about this 'cruel' King at school

Player #46190495
Poshmadoo, his Palace is Hampton Court down the Thames river and The Tower of London is in central London. He cast his enemies into the tower. The tower has a population of ravens and it is legend that if the ravens were to leave the tower, the monarchy will fall

Guillermo, That's because the letter H is always silent. The written form of H is actually aitch not haitch! Any word that starts with H (like herb, handle, hospital etc) should be said as "an erb", "an andle", "an ospital" etc... The English language is weird haha

* Seshati *, He also sustained a bad leg injury during jousting that left him incapacitated & unable to do what he'd been used to doing. I daresay that would've contributed to his crabbiness & bad temper.

Beef001, from long Welsh line .birth name Harri ap

Player #21374632
flowercat0523, he was not good looking but powerful and mostly got what he wanted,or Else,,someone would suffer.

Player #21374632
Guillermo, Yes, with a silent H

Player #21374632
PrincipledKahuna2027, I am. Henry the 8th , I am , Henry the 8th , I am ,I am!

PrincipledKahuna2027, yes!! they pronounced his name "'En-ery"

Player #25874027
Player Elf Counsel,
Sister in law is not a problem for consanguinity

Player #25874027
Yes, he wrote Greensleeves.
Early rockstar

* Seshati *
Uninitialized, didn’t see this comment I wrote something similar .. lol full of typos as usual haha. Yes what a painful experience it must of been. I wonder what the advice & treatments would be today.

* Seshati *
tinabobina, lol funny & true

Player songbird28, Arthur died before their father. England has never had a King Arthur except in legends and stories.

His father was born just down the road from where I live... little England beyond Wales

I love this question

( Snail Darter)
Jo, A surfeit of good living....

alas my love thee has done me wrong, to treat me so discourteously