When is pi (mathematical constant π) day celebrated?
Correct answer: March 14

only in America, because that's he only place that puts the month before the day.

beware the Ides of March after all the pie you ate the day before

Princess 'M'
All I can remember from school is: 3.1415926535897932384...

Einstein's DOB. Truly. Life is fun.

Never heard of pi day! sounds silly. but interesting info!

Player #34161174
pi is used for hat sizes. whatever the number you multiplyby pi to find out the circumference of your noggin. cool fact

Guillermo Jr.
any excuse to eat pie is OK by me.. banana cream please..

SuperficialSpark2, and Steven Hawking's day of death. coincidence?

Player #2335199
laughingnomeKeKe,.. There was a French sentence where the letters of the words give the first 15 numbers: "Que j'aime a faire apprendre ce nombre utile aux sages, glorieux Archimede artiste ingenieur".. E.g. 3,14159265358979 (I hope, I remembered well! )

smarty pants
many restaurants in kern county celebrated this day by offering specials on their pizza pies and their dessert pies.

The approximate value of pi is three point 1415926535897932384626

Callie Rose
on March 14, 2015 we had a super Pi day celebration because the date was 3,1415

Player #121204467
Mastath67, in Europe we do the same thing. Personally I don't like it, but in official papers we have to write this way.

I ALWAYS celebrate Pi day 🎉 And if I am infinitely industrious , I'll bake one👍🏾 But yes, Quicksilver, the Ides of March follows swiftly - and stickily😂😂😂 - behind ‼️

Perr Bear
quicksilver, TRUE THAT!! LOL!!

Mars V
arohanui, or Canadians or Mexicans…

Americans aren't known for making things easy. A monkey can figure out the metric answer while a foreigner is scratching his head to figure out how to use standard measurements. LOL

Mastath67, and to be specific, USA - other Americans such as Brazilians or Peruvians....

Wannabe Vulcan
Mastath67, then it would be impossible elsewhere, because there is no 31 April.

I thought it would rather be 22nd July. 22/7

laughingnomeKeKe, ironically, we consider your date format a bit odd.

Blake Vankoughnett
Princess 'M',"sine, sine, cosine sine 3.141592695" that's all I remember

Holly Golightly
well the pi symbol looks like the zodiac symbol for Pisces which falls in the month of March.

SuperficialSpark2, my grandson celebrates his birthday on Pi day.

that's my birthday, also did any1 notice the sign also looks like the bottom half of a pisces sign

Dee Dee
I love Pi Day!!! - and yes, Quicksilver, my Fad was born on the Ides of March! Ha! I always loved kidding him about it!

Mac, You would have to redo the calendar since currently April only has 30 days. lol

Mac, what are the other 2?

Player #6852065, one of only 3 countries in the world too backward to adopt the metric system

Mastath67, should 31st April

Doesn't the House have more important things to do?

Leave it to those CRAZY PHYSICISTS! LOL.

Player woody2327
Sonicgirl, That only allows you to figure the leakage pressure from the manifold diffuser to the turbo encabulator.

Player #6852065
Mastath67, yes, and we don't use metric either.

Did you know, that Pi has a ratio of ten to the power of maximum permitted Fusion, when a decimal current of highcium to a hundredth of real time is at it's limit.

especially in 2015 !