What air line company according to Raymond in "Rainman" has never crashed?
Correct answer: Qantas

it was a good, and, at times, funny movie.

Ten minutes to Wapner!

Amazing movie and Hoffman played it perfectly. Kind of reminds me of Hanks in Forrest Gump!

robertthemoose14, my son is autistic but because of this film so many think that if you are autistic it's ultra intelligent or uneducatable... not true.. it's a spectrum

Great movie- story snd acting

Player #14680106
The character was an Autistic Savant. He was based on a man named Kim Peek who has a cameo in the movie. He is walking out of the train station as the other two are walking in.

Rainman is a great film, indeed. Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise play subtle yet spectacular roles. Funny that two questions ago I was just thinking of another Tom Cruise movie. The question was about the tiny metal/plastic on the end of shoelaces. And the movie, Cocktail, popped to my mind. Anybody with me in this one? 😊

The only movie I will watch with Tom Cruise in it.

Player #2047250
Epitomises the absolute best in filmmaking. Characters to love and hate,surprise twists, rage, humour, pathos, etc.

SuperOperation7556, it was "I'm an excellent driver"

Cap’n Patch
greekroman9854, I have a 12 year old autistic grandson who is super intelligent but gets really annoyed and super angry when he can’t get his point across. Then he starts throwing things and yelling. He never breaks his toys. He takes them apart, sees how they’re put together, then puts them back together again.

wesley, Thanks. I’d forgotten this!

Jeopardy is coming on!

Autism is not related to intelligence level. The distribution of high intelligence among autistic people is the same as in the general population.

Player #120374466
Nice to know! The competition needs to learn why Qantas has such a flawless record.

GrandmaTanya, or Decaprio in whats eating Gilbert grape

Dustin was brilliant in that movie

The nurse says, “your brother is artistic?”

Soleil10001, the plastic/metal on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet. Great trivia to know for Scrabble and pub quizzes!

when Charlie was young he called his brother rainman instead of Raymond.

Dragon Butter 23
The question is missing the word, "fatal", changing the meaning altogether.

Player #30304101
I've actually never watched it but sounds like a good story. I love learning from this game because I have never heard of that airline and it's history

Player #18814620
Soleil10001, no

Player #29793410
We're counting cards

Player #33609259
Player #7929563, you really need to see it, awesome movie.

Player #14680106, Thanks! I'll look for him the next time I watch the movie. That cameo technique is utilized all the time. Hitchcock used it for all of his appearances. Look for Hitch coming out of the pet shop as Hedrin walks in.

Player #13023389
Good movie, good question. I love this game so much. Debby

Vincent Sablan
They left out that Tom's character REMEMBERED Hoffman's character...RAIN MAN!!!

Soleil10001, ... aglet

Player Sharon
I get my underwear at Kmart.

JimmyLovesQL, i'm an exellent driver.

Player #21374632
knowbrains, D, Hoffman.also great acting in Midnight Cowboy,,,played a sick man,, had me feeling sorry for him,,lol

Everybody loves Raymond! ;)

Mike Corleone
awesome movie.

Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman were phenominal in a fantastic movie.

Player #5100533
Gamer1204, "I'm an Excellent Driver".... REALLY, I am....

I have an Autistic son.

Player #7929563
Have never seen the movie.

Midwest Gal
Gamer1204, 🤣