What movie studio has a roaring lion as its logo?
Correct answer: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

have you seen the cartoon Tom and Jerry where they replaced the lion with Tom meowing and hissing? love it.

Okie Razorback
Do some of you play game for the enjoyment of the game or are you here to point out typos of numbers and words. Seems like the latter for a lot of you.

At the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they used to have a lion in a glass cage. That broke my heart. Hope it's gone.

Player #540392
good!!!!!!!!! game!!!!!!!

his name was leo. once in a while, theyed feature a kitten

Player #8483749
Chrono Neko, it's called The Mary Tyler Moore Studio or MTM and had the kitten roaring

Player #4395928
I love that logo. Hope it will never be changed.

Player Mon
The Lion was from Dublin Zoo in Ireland

Player #2018
Whoever you are, that's a funny comments. LOL. I noticed the year 19440 too. I think it's just a typo error.

and a roar that can be heard over 5 miles thru the jungle. same as a woman scorned...:)

can someone please update all your questions regarding our dear deceased queen? many thanks.

Absolutetruthin1777, lions don't live in the jungle but in the savanna plains

Gerald &Estie Anderson
I also worked for them

If you’ve never seen “Ghost In The Darkness” you’re missing out on an incredible movie! It’s based on a true story in Africa starring Val Kilmer & Michael Douglas. Not for the faint if heart!

Sandyberry, no but thats a hoot!

Okie Razorback, mostly for enjoyment and to learn something on the way

nimblemoon, I was watching TV , my beautiful yellow tabby cat, Max, was asleep on the carpet in front of the TV when that Lion roared louly, Max sprung up from his sleep , his hair standing up, wow,,amazing and I don’t know what the Lion said but Max knew, it really scared him.

Dieu linh
Qua la hkinh hsienenmj

That lion was in Dublin zoo, Ireland 🇮🇪🤘

Here, kitty.... kitty... 🤣.

I miss that lion,now he passed away.

Mujahid Mohideen R
I answered it correct thanks to the legendary cartoon Tom and Jerry 😍

Indigo Shade
Thank you Stargate SG1

The MGM lion's roar is actually a tiger's roar.

Sandyberry, 😻

Go Cubbies, You select what you think is the answer. If you're wrong it doesn't give you all the extra info so you can select another answer.

Go Cubbies
Can someone help me with the double chance hint? I don't see what it does if I've got the answer correct.

That famous Lion lived in Dublin Zoo, Ireland 🇮🇪

Leo the lion was born in Ireland , Dublin Zoo

Guillermo Jr.
ars gratia artis..

Player Gigi #28446253
Roxy, I'm not sure that is true. Evidence?

Player #13023389
I knew that right now, I love their logo and have all my life. Debby

Player #21374632
BabiKat, Lol, I was watching tv and my pet yellow tabby cat was asleep at my feet in our living room and the Lion on tv roared really loud,,wow, my cat jumped up to his feet,his hair all standing straight up, his eyes 👀 wide open,,i don’t know what Leo the Lion said on the tv but it frightened my cat, Max!,

Sandyberry, my favourite childhood cartoon! :)

BabiKat, when they had the big lion roar. I was watching tv. my yellow tabby cat. Max .asleep on rug in front of tv.jumps up out of a sound sleep .scared hair sticking straight up..Lol.always wondered what the lion said on big cat language

Player #7791779
that lion was born in Dublin Zoo

Seemingly, the lion used was from Dublin Zoo?!

the lion was called Henry and from Dublin zoo

And because they have overextended themselves past movie-making into other ventures, they struggled financially to keep the Bond franchise going even though it is one of their recognized mainstays. It seems they have forgotten from where they came. Sad but true.

Sandyberry, yes, I remember that!