Of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, what is the color of Famine's horse?
Correct answer: Black

Player #3998555, you're not gonna like it when you find out you've been lied to and mislead

just so its understood,,the riders all all the same person.. just different aspects of the rule of the anti-christ.... peace (false peace)..war... famine and pestilence (which follow almost any war)...death

Player #3998555

Player #3998555
REV.6:1-8 not JOHN 6:1-8

Player #3998555
the TRUTH will come out u cant,supress Gods words.Hele Martin JW(and proud of it)

Player #3998555
John 6:1-8 has nothing to do with the four horseman of the apocalypse.

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
VividPotion6704, terrible Moreso as there’s sooo much waste in other parts of the world

Sadly this cycle of suffering has happened over and over again on our beautiful planet and continues today... millions are dying of starvation in Yemen ... to see the pictures of the skeletal children is heartbreaking... dear humans can we find a way together to change this pattern? I hope and pray we can