What actress played the role of Pamela Barnes Ewing on the TV show "Dallas"?
Correct answer: Victoria Principal

Player #4122280
Beautiful woman 👩🏻

Player #2208552
I loved seeing a redhead on Prime time!

Player #3118064
penawareof, he did not commit suicide. He died from inflammation of the heart muscle.

Player #5853410 Alex
I remember I had her Body Principal book and a friend had Jane Fonda's workout book. We swapped for a week then I wanted my book back. Nothing in Body Principal was stressful. Jane's book was harder.

Player #3118064, Thank you! It would be good if the negative commenters would check facts First! It's like being in elementary school and dealing with gossip again. I appreciate the talents of Victoria Principal and Andy Gibb.

Player #1878545
Hot, hot,hot!!! Is all you have to say.

Player #2278856
Player #1137494, she was also in Playboy

Who shot JR? 😉

Player #122966166
penawareof, andy gibb did not commit suicide. he died of heart failure due to excess use of cocaine

Player #3118064, From drugs

Ann Wilson
Victoria Principal has a wonderful skin care line called “Principal Secret” of which I have been using for the past 20 years. It is wonderful.

Her mother's maiden name was ReeVeal

Player #24210413
penawareof, He Did NOT commit suicide! He died from a heart ailment brought on by use of drugs and alcohol.

Lightning 11
Suekirider, Mary Crosby

Lightning 11
Uninitialized, Mary Crosby was Bing's daughter, not his granddaughter.

Player DAM
why was I asked this question twice?

Suekirider, her name was Kristin. She was Sue Ellen's sister. Portrayed by Mary Crosby- Bing's GRANDDAUGHTER

penawareof, No he wasn't. and no he didn't. lol rumors

Player #18740301
penawareof, no he died of a heart attack

Player #15356356
The name is such a neat name.

Suekirider, no she was not Bing Crosby's daughter

Player #4295522
Sorry Cherri, should have read comment from player #4295522 first.

Player #4295522
Cherri, No, I think she.played Sue Ellen's sister, and is the one who, shot JR..

Penny Plant
I never watched it. I was to young

Penny Plant
penawareof, he didn't commit suicide

She was also quite beautiful.

Suekirider, I think her name is Mary Crosby

The person who shot J.R. on Dallas was the actress, who was Bing Crosby's daughter. Can't remember the actress or the character's name. Getting old.

~(DragonReborn)~, 😂

penawareof, that just isnt true......look it up

Player #1163548
I remember watching this soap opera on tv when I was young

Player #3118064, he died of cocaine overdose

Player #3118064, no he died of coke od