Before being hanged, whose last words were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"?
Correct answer: Nathan Hale

Now, THAT was a true patriot!

Player #4250921
2gameORnot2game4mE, We could use people like him leading our country today.

Player #12870971
He was only 21 years old when he died

Player #4947211
2gameORnot2game4mE, he was 21!!!

85 Bear
Back when American patriots were great, unlike all our political leaders today who do NOTHING BUT betray the people

True Courage and Love of COUNTRY we certainly NEED that kind of commitment today from OUR leaders today

I've heard this for years, but did not know who said it!

can't believe I remember that from highschool

Nathan Hale was a true patriot. However, there is no actual evidence that he said those famous words. It is actually hearsay. He did believe in this nation though and was willing to die for it. We need patriotism like that today. He was a great American.

Katy Jo
I believe he was one of the "Green Mountain Boys!

Player #7066473
Player #4250921, the actual leaders want to be hemos from golf curse..very easy

elizabeth bennett, You're funny!!!!

Player #1856199
RushMama2112, Women, too. Compare them to people who call themselves 'patriots' for wearing silly little red baseball caps. Times do change...