What is the name of Stephen Hawking's cosmology book published in 1988?
Correct answer: "A Brief History of Time"

Missy K
the thing I appreciate most about Hawking is his sense of humor and willingness to go on shows or to be made into a cartoon and ride his wheelchair helicopter. So personable and positive considering his circumstances. That is something we all should learn!

Player #9442102
Player #272443, just goes to show people that just because your body is handicapped doesn't mean your mind doesn't work!

Seems fitting to get this question on the anniversary of his death. Great mind and even greater personal strength.

I was lucky to see him lecture and then go backstage afterward. Wow!

Sadly, he has passed away!

Sweet Senior, cosmology not cosmetology 😄

Pikaculo, please enlighten Us with your knowledge of the theoretical physics and cosmology and send the list of publications that you had released and published...

Wannabe Vulcan
As Arthur Schopenhauer said, "Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Terry B
Terry B
Where is Hawkings now God only knows

Player #66817220
Fun guy, I've heard it's possible, especially if dark matter proves to have positive mass, and personally I'd like to believe it (for all the difference it makes to my or anyone else's life). But my own most recent understanding, for whatever it's worth, is that the universe's expansion appears to be accelerating, which makes a Big Crunch seem far less likely. But then again, I could be completely wrong.

Player #66817220
Missy K, he recorded a cover of Monty Python's "Galaxy Song". The video is hilarious!

Fun guy
Jew for Yeshua: it's possible the universe expands to a point & then contracts into a black hole, only to explode again in an endless cycle of millions of years ?

Player #9442102, If only more people realised that the world would be a much nicer place.

[bobbo16], pg7

Big Blue Narwhal, were you married to him then?