What U.S. first lady was nicknamed "The Steel Magnolia"?
Correct answer: Rosalynn Carter

Peace & Love
She and President Carter are the most caring and hardest working fomer first couple. Bless them for all they do for humanity.

I hate to admit it, but you are correct. Jimmy Carter is more than likely, the best former president this country has ever seen. Unfortunately, he was far from the best president we have ever had, although in his defense, he was among the most caring, which probably accounts for much of the lack of success of his administration.

Wonderful woman.

Player #2123781
19wanda57, I didn’t know this. What a wonderful Lady. I had a premature baby with many issues and no one knows how important mental health is till you need it. God bless her and Jimmy Carter.


Recalling when the First Lady actually DID something worthwhile...

Player #2123781
Peace & Love, Wonderful couple!

heck yeah go Rosalyn

Player #163985
Peace & Love, Amen especially to her work in mental health before it was acceptable like now. Jimmy had a mentally challenged brother.

I liked her! I thought she was elegant and regal.

Cat Mom
Player #15343163, I didn't know that they started that! God bless them!

Cat Mom
John, Amen!

Cat Mom
19RichDick73, that says A LOT!

Cat Mom
Linden, how is it possible for him to be the best former president but was far from the best president?

Linden, he didn't get credit for a lot of things he did when he was in office

Peace & Love, RIP🇺🇸


Player #Maryjane
John, Jimmy and Roslyn build a lot of homes for Habitats for Humanity. he received the Nobel Prize and rightly so. I applaud them. Rock on President Carter!

Meganeura4, You forget that Carter actually had the temperature lowered substantially in his term in the White House, so much so that his advisors complained. Carter wanted to feel like the everyday American with their fight to heat their homes. He also brokered peace with the Camp David accords, a long arduous task to get Middle Eastern leaders to speak to each other, let alone agree to a peace treaty. I was in my teens while he was in office and remember him as being very truthful and honorable, even if he was a bit weak on some domestic issues. He wanted to implement a nationwide healthcare plan back then but was turned down by members of his own party (notably Ted Kennedy). I love him & Rosalyn and have read some of his books. They both inspire me as fellow Christians and as humans filled with compassion. We need more role models like them.

Player #26925092
Jimmy Carter was far too honest and caring, to be President. He would have made a better Ambassador. What is little known is that Carter was the President, who actually negotiated the release of the Iranian hostages, just prior to leaving office. However, when Reagan learned of the release, he contacted the Iranian kidnappers and negotiated a different release date, which coincided with a couple days after he took office. The hostages had already been held by the Iranians for more than a year. Reagan’s deal added at least 2 to 3 additional weeks in captivity. Reagan was the President made of steel.

Player #15343163
They deserve a lot of credit for starting Habitat for Humanity. Love them.

Player #7106191, She's (current first "lady") a paid for bride. Truly the only way Trump could/can get a woman!!

Linden, Yep...too compassionate, good-hearted and honest to be a true politician!! He and Rosalyn are fine examples of humanitarians!!

Player #21374632
Peace & Love, Love Jimmy Carter,,our world needs more men like him,,a true hero and gentleman,

There wasn't ONE bullet fired while he was President in Defense or an Attack.

Alana Wheeler
I can not get any of these questions right either I am dumb or these questions are

Linden, maybe the presidents after Jimmy Carter took a good note or most individuals took note that it's probably best if you want to do the job right you got to save your best kindness for your first lady or (wife).

Player #1961991
I feel so bad I missed the question. ugh

Linden, Reagan ?

Player #1949300
Linden, yeS !!! Humble, but schrewd, are the Carter's...🌋🗻⛰️🌋🗻

Peace & Love, Ditto

FunkyMonkey, Perhaps you didn't notice that the question was about Rosalynn, not Jimmy.