What TV show closes with a logo for "30th Century Fox"?
Correct answer: Futurama
I think I know the episode.he told the dog to wait and outside and then he accidentally went into the time machine and that poor dog waited his whole life outside that pizza place and the boss gave it a slice of pizza everyday.it broke my heart and I sometimes still think of that episode to this day.
Great show. I cried when they showed the one with Fry's dog 😥🐶🐕🐾
Bender... nuff said
A Classic
Grandma Tanya ....that episode moved me to tears also! Glad that I'm not the only one.
Sounds like Fun on a Bun! Bender is GREAT!!!
Ella Menno
Futurama is my favorite!
Player #5100533
GrandmaTanya, Wow! You're WAY into CARTOONS!! You know, it IS a CARTOON???