What is agnotology?
Correct answer: The study of wilful acts to spread confusion

Player #15720137
Like the fake news in social media.

AwesomeImp90704, yes, advertising, but also, like people said below, politicians (both sides do it), and corporations, and even individuals. Some fun examples are: soda companies advertising that they don't have high fructose corn syrup, like that somehow makes their drinks good for you; the scientific "facts" that there is or is not global warming; the idea that there is a magic pill for whatever ails you (as long as you don't mind all the crazy side effects which are worse than the original problem); vaping is good/bad for you.

Prevalent in social media platforms today.

I am not a number.
Does anyone using the term "fake news" remember the word "propaganda"? It seems to be a new name for the same thing but for some reason people forgive it more.

So advertising, right???

glad to know there's an official name for what's going on now.

* Seshati *
So most information being passed around globally today. Truth, facts & transparency - science without agenda, politicians without abuse of power. Oh me oh my that would be so good!

Guillermo Jr.
has been happening through all of human history.. not just recently..

A good example of this would be the attorney who "muddies the water" by constantly emphasizing vague and unimportant information during a trial. His goal is to overload the jurors' minds with useless facts, therefore causing confusion among the group and forcing a decision in his favor

Christine ~ RN
Curmudgeon, How good it would be if critical thinking were taught in schools.

blah blah blah
"ology" means the study of...
this particular word sounds like what politicians do at election time🤔

I am not a number., I had never thought about it until now but I believe you are dead right.

the answer is in the word. -ology is the suffix for "the study of"

Player #97184361
FiannaFianna, The principal culprit is advertising.! ! !

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
widely practiced in many blogs.

Paula J
Guillermo Jr., anyone remember 1939 Berlin?

Excellent word and definition!

I am not a number., indeed 🫤

Nothing to do with ONTOLOGY.

Weird. I immediately thought satan when I began reading the definition. Pretty close.

Shoutout to Alie Ward from the "Ologies" podcast for introducing Dr. Robert Proctor and this specific field of study.

Player #38130031
Jesus is The way, THE TRUTH, and The Life. Seek Him and all will be clear

Player #9809468
[bobbo16], pretty darn close IMHO

This comment didn't age well at all.

Great info.....

SneakyMole92698., The economy sure isn't lying.