In which part of the world did Voodoo originate?
Correct answer: West Africa

Then it became popular on some of the Caribbean islands.

I question this definition of religion. That may describe *organized* religion but not every religion is dogmatic in that way. To relegate non-organized religion to "folkways" status is arrogant. Voodoo, btw, IS a religion; especially the syncretic forms of it such as Santeria.

Mars V
Maestro1313, And Gilligan’s island.

Globular Martian
AUrelius, Interesting. I wasn't aware that Voodoo was a Sect of Catholicism. Obia is something I have never heard of. Will research this, but thank you for the clarification. It's much appreciated.

Player #2845207, I'm Caucasian. colloquially known as ecru. albino people are not really white.

it isnt true.

Player #2845207
“White People,” is that a technical term?

Player #2546993
BrassBeam81667, Amen to that!!!