What book starts with the line "Call me Ishmael."?
Correct answer: "Moby-Dick"

Hebrew for orphaned of God.

* Seshati *
reclusivesavyigloo, this makes sense thank you a deeper message from the author, pertinent to the story.

I know this, because it features on 1 off my favourite films. Matilda, when she reads the book with Ms Honey her adoptive mother. great book & even better film in my opinion

Mars V
I think Melville intentionally made the chapters at sea mostly super boring to simulate what a real whale hunt is like. Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, exciting, boring, boring, boring…

No hyphen.

reclusivesavyigloo, in Hebrew it means The Creator heard. Hagar was Sarah's maid servant of slave

I just looked at the book's opening.

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