With veto pen in hand, which U.S. president said, "Go ahead - make my day."?
Correct answer: Ronald Reagan

gotta love Ronald Reagan...he was a great president

MALICE, ya the clinton family is a joke. not only did Bill lie to Congress, commit adultery in the most important room of our government, then being impeached, and Hillary lying and destroying evidence beforethe FBI could get it. and somehow people still love them to death. if she was anybody else that was working in that building she be in prison for years.

I find it funny how we chose to forget the negative things done by presidents in office...

Can we all agree to stop electing people from TV and movies for a while?

he was the first to tax any unemployment compensation recieved

she wolf, he raised taxes 13 times, taxed SS benefits, huge tax breaks to the rich, Iran/Contra, armed Afghan rebels, then abandoned them leading to the rise of the taliban. yeah not great.

Player alex
signed the INF treaty with Russia and got Berlin Wall torn down.

Player Linny
He was the first to tax waiters' tips

Cribbed the "make my day" quote from Dirty Harry.

MALICE, Noone is perfect, I don't think we forget, I think we weigh the pros and cons, and place value on their contributions based on our personal perspectives.

Widama007, No way!!

Mark, I agree 100%.

Pearldiver11, Exactly!! Why couldn't he be more Original!?!

charlieCamp, Also let us Not Forget that it was President Reagan that stopped allowing people to take off interest they had paid on their credit cards off their Taxes!! True fact, folks!! Look it up! See, Reagan was Rich, and so naturally, he was for the Rich people. Need I say more??

Iran/Contra...cocaine and guns for money to rebels...
what happened, Ron?

Player #137846770
JMRACING14, murderers as well

RaunchRabbit1, who is Noone and how are they perfect?

NattyMimi, Reagan was a horrible president and set America on the road to ruin and economic collapse

NattyMimi, No he wasn't ... Iran-Contra, "trickle-down" economics, "Star Wars" ... Saint Ronnie wasn't all that great.

Menthar, I think he was also instrumental for crack being brought into the inner cities also

Player #33497296
USAMcK, I don't care where they come from. I care about their beliefs & integrity.


JMRACING14, the Clintons are also arch criminals and traitors!

Epic Flower
JMRACING14, give it a break we just had a president eat it on all of his wives on all the time

Jim C.
For those of you bashing him, Reagan inherited a mess of an economy from Jimmy Carter. Through smart conservative principles, he grew our economy back to prosperity. He also forced the USSR into bankruptcy, & topped that evil empire. You're welcome.

USAMcK, Absolutely 💯

Player #52940639
Menthar, thank you. Was going to write the same thing. Never taxed the rich but loved taxing everyone else.

USAMcK - ironically, celebrities somehow accomplish more in their terms than career politicians

Player #33079979
seems as he taxed the working class unfairly.

It's important to keep in mind.. no taxes, then no government programs or funding to states. Haven't had a balanced budget in decades, yet Dems want more government funded programs/welfare that our nation can't afford!

Player #23738301
The beginning of the down fall of the middle class.

Player #24661438
I can't believe Ronald Reagan could have said this.

Player #23434168
However, federal deficit as percent of GDP was up throughout the Reagan presidency from 2.7% at the end of (and throughout) the Carter administration. ... President Reagan raised taxes eleven times over the course of his presidency, but the overall tax burden went down during his presidency.

Player Linny, no that is not true. Tips have been taxable for many years before Reagan. He did make it harder for wait staffers to cheat on declarations though.

Player #20609369
tripled the federal deficit to inflate the stock market. similar to someone else more recent?

Player #16773518
Player #MinnieLuv, im not rich by any means but the industry i work in...I've been told i need to put fraudulent info on paperwork so they can get benefits i can't but i have to pay for. you have no idea...ignorance can be an issue of convenience.

Player #16773518
VascularVocabulary6, not sure which shows u watch but why not try variety to get a more in depth look. better to have both sides than just one

Player #10022413
of course it was the actor! pure politicians can't come up with one liners like that

I'll never forget what the Imposter did for 8 years...

Player #6723658
10bwc, Wow. Perhaps try books. Fox,breitbart,rush,alexjones are messing you up!