What was the name of the house elf in "Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets?"
Correct answer: Dobby

Alright I am not ashamed to admit I cried when Dobby was killed. First death in a book where I threw the book down. Then actually seeing it in the movie was worse. Right up there with Ol Yeller’s death if you ask me.

Player #5621402
Dobby was a wonderful character - love him

wyndyrahne, Too bad. The Harry Potter series was well written and the movies well made. I am nearly 61 years old and still enjoy the series. If you are interested, J.K. Rowling writes a series of books under the pen name of Robert Galbraith for adults featuring a private detective.

kelloggs 4791
master has given Dobby a sock, Dobby is free...

winky is also a house elf.she belonged to barty crouch.

I know people who watched the movies and enjoyed it but haven't read the books. If if it's the case of anyone here, I strongly recommend reading the books! So many reasons to read them since the movies couldn't depict hundreds of pages and had to choose a few important scenes!

My black lab looks like Dobby

You say we can request not to have questions on a certain subject, but where do we put in such a request?

Stephanie.S., is it Dobby of is it vladimir Putin?

Definitely Dobby.
Not Putin. 😉

Excellent CG character

Always a fan yo this, is one of loyalty characters in the film

Player Bengal Mama
loco, Dobby is nicer and more honest.

loco, You get to create the pictures in your mind.

Is it Dobby or is it Vladimir Putin? 😆

that was too easy , my friend looks just like him ,, love you dave 🤣

Player #32348370
dobby was a good character so sad he died

Player #26132719
best novel ever

Jaminus Optimus
you don't know the story. I implore you all to read these books!

Jaminus Optimus
Words cannot express what a geek I am when it comes to Harry Potter, they are certainly the best books ever written; the worldwide book sales attest to this. I am, however, always disgusted when I am forced to watch one of the films by my children. They are not Harry Potter, only a very poor imitation of the books. In that vain, Harry actually puts the diary IN his sock and throws it to Lucius Malfoy, who who throws it away and Dobby catches it. If you haven't read the books,

Dead ringer for Vladimir Putin, before Vladimir Putin got totally Botoxed....

JGCROM5, got to read about this or see movies way to many questions

wyndyrahne, what a shame - you're far too young to be a stuffed shirt!
