Which country had their first-ever female competitor in the 2012 Summer Olympics?
Correct answer: Saudi Arabia

Player #2011736
, it's about time Saudi Arabian men grew up

Yay, and recently women are allowed to drive as of June 2018! You've come a long way, Baby! lol

Player #2011736, Thank you. Why in this day and age does this awful treatment of Women still exist. Incredible. . Here in Canada, we are seeing such an influx of immigrants and Sad to say I have seen the stigma more than I like for sure. I,d love to change the World, but I don,t know what to do?

The biggest problem for Saudi women is one ridiculous and absurd law called "Male guardianship"! This law must be abounded!

pixieish, but sadly the women who campaigned for female driving have now been sentenced to hundreds of lashes and many years in jail.

In my opinion, the manner in which women are regarded & treated in too many countries is unconscionable, to say the least. However, in many thousands of years old cultures, folks look at things in ways different than we do here in the U.S. - Sadly, it is unrealistic that we should expect those cultures to suddenly see things through our eyes & believe the way we do. It simply & certainly isn't going to happen as quickly as we would like. The kindest, most prudent, and thoughtful way to encourage change in the way others think, is by setting an example that proves it is in their best interest to adjust their ideas to more closely align with ours. The drastic change we want to see isn't going to happen soon. It will take more time than I would like, but it will happen.

I wonder how many Roman Catholics look down on how Saudi Arabia and other countries treat women? (which is abhorrent to me) Popes and priests can only be men, women are not equal in some so-called western civilised countries. Equality still has a long way to go!

Didn't know the answer but chose S. Arabia because it seemed like the least likely to have a female competing--nyuk nyuk nyuk...

We're behind you Wojdan!

I hope women in the outdated Islamic countries someday may get the same as freedom men have

Player #120271469
Kiwozzie, popes and priests are one of the 12 tribes that yes are men. it's in the Bible. women can be nuns. it's a commitment to God not a gender profiling thing geez

Player #120271469
ChampionNymph37634, exactly and if you look through their eyes, us infidels are immoral, disrespectful and yes vulgar.

Player #120271469
Hugo, unfortunately it isn't going to change unless someone makes them change it by replacing the chauvinistic men in office there bc they like it the way it is. they like to claim it has to do with their religion but it's just their way of keeping the women subservient. We cannot just storm into another country and change it bcwe think it's wrong. Their culture has been around thousands of years before our countries existed. they don't respect us bc we are vulgar in their eyes.

That was easy!

Kiwozzie, who wants that job anyway 🤷♀️

ChampionNymph37634, I like your optimism

pixieish, but probably not unaccompanied... by a man

Canadagirl, preserve, protect and uphold free speech to make sure that kind of regime never takes over

Player Bengal Mama
Canadagirl, Mother Theresa recommended love and kindness, a smile.

Kiwozzie, I beleive there are alot of Italian women in the Olympics atleast

Player #30457587
you take it easy

Montana Lady
Player #2011736, Saudi women could legally drive until 1980... (the law was passed during the Islamic Revolution, which was kickstarted by the CIA... that's when all the serious crackdowns began.)