In what country is the Bataan Peninsula?

Correct answer: The Philippines

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first question about my country, yey! :)
Player #685680
Player #685680
Forgot to mention that the japanese totured and murdered thousands of American pows during the Bataan death march!!
Korn Of For-Du
Korn Of For-Du
jerryp80, my dad and his 1st cousin fought in WWII in Philippines. His cousin was in the Bataan March and though disfigured he survived to live to 98. Never spoke of his imprisonment.
Having been an avid war/history buff, I have known of the Bataan Death March for a long time now. However it wasn't until I read the book "Ghost Soldiers" by Hampton Sides, in which documents accounts from survivors as well as cover the raid to rescue the survivors from beginning to end, that I would learn the true gruesome, horrid, and horrorifying details/experiences of this march. I genuinely recommend this book for any war enthusiast or persons just wanting more detail about this march. The numbers vary for many facts/details as there was poor record keeping, or surviving records, on behalf of the Japanese and many incidents would never have any official record of any kind due to the nature of said incidents. There were also factors that were unknown that could augments numbers some. Facts as best approximated: -approx 70,000 - 80,000+ American/Filipino soldiers & as many as 10-20,000 Filipino civilians would become a part of the march. -The march was about 66 miles from beginning to end though prisoners would enter the March from various points along the way. -approx 54,000+ would survive to reach the destination that was Camp O'Donnell. -Hundreds would die every day at this camp from hunger, disease, or just plain summary executions. -while it is estimated that about 3% of prisoners in POW camps by the Germans & Italians would die, that ratio for Camp O'Donnell held by the Japanese was around 27%. -Thousands would die during the March from starvation and executions.
Player #893984
Player #893984
Montana Lady, According to DeadPool1513 (whose 2 comments you need to read as well as FunkyMonkey's), who has read a book called "Ghost Soldiers" which contains the accounts of survivors of the Bataan (please don't be offended if this shows up as Batman - the program keeps changing it when I type it) death march/imprisonment in the Japanese camp (O'Donnell), apparently approximately 20,000+ civilians were also picked up along the way. The Japanese apparently did not care whether they starved or brutally executed soldiers or civilians. Diseases were also a part of this horrible ordeal. Of approximately 100,000 souls who were part of this horrible march, only approximately 54,000 survived to reach the camp - where hundreds then died each day. Also, how many people do you think the Japanese killed at Pearl Harbor - military and civilian - to start all of this? Do you really think the Japanese would have stopped their ruthless/murderous campaign if something drastic had not been done to stop them? Do you think there aren't scars of many kinds left behind by what the victims of the Japanese endured? I hope the comments of many people here have given you a lot to think about. My husband was a POW in Vietnam, and he says that I should not read "Ghost Soldiers" because he knows firsthand what happens in those camps.
Please please read the book "Ghost Soldiers" by Hampton Sides for a better sense and understanding of what the Bataan Death March was like & as well as the treatment of American/Filipino POWs at Camp O'Donnell. Just stating that thousands would die during the march from starvation, disease, & brutal executions cannot give you as great an understanding of the events than this book will give you. The experiences that these people went through during the march and subsequent internment at Camp O'Donnell rival those from accounts of those in German death camps for the atrocities and heinous nature on behalf of the captors.
( Know1 )
( Know1 )
FunkyMonkey, my uncle survived the Bataan death march, was imprisoned in a Japanese camp, put on a ship to be transported to Mindinao. The ship was bombed and he died. Yes, they were ruthless, beyond ruthless.
Helena Of Avelore
Helena Of Avelore
That’s terrible. See this is why we need to learn about our American history, to pass it on to the youngsters!
Player #871660
Player #871660
more cowbell, Not surprising considering the horrific things done to the pows by the Japanese. Your grandfather was really tough and lucky to survive
What happened to the opportunity to replay the game?
I just guessed from the picture
Nischal khadka
Nischal khadka
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Player #123719090
Player #123719090
good 👍 1
my country y'all🤗
GamerSymon, same
I love China and The Philippines they are two of my Favorite Countries and I want to visit them so bad because they are both Pretty countries
Player #685680, im Japanese and I’m super sorry for this, I did know this but I’m not responsible for my ancestors actions. I’m so sorry ❤️
GamerSymon, from the Philippines also
The first time I was in a meeting the other night I had a dream that my friend and I had a baby and we had a dream about a baby that was
Korn Of For-Du, a New Hampshire lawyer and former governor who is a former congressman from New York County who has served as governor for more and a little longer in the state legislature than the rest of his peers have ever been able too long to understand the political climate and how it affects the economy in the country today is the question for
is it just me or have turned this game into a cartoon
Player #133258749
Player #133258749
I'm only 2 grade and I got it correct
Oh so sad for those who didn't make it out alive😭
I forgot it has Bataan written about it but I answered Iran lol
it's☝️too hrd
I am from Bataan
Let's be friends on Instagram 😉
GamerSymon, Americans are not innocent victims. What about what they did to the Indians during the Trail of Tears.
Mr bean
Mr bean
Philippines here👇
70% phillips and 2% Indonesians
2\19\30 is a phillipines date
I like and love everything about Phillippines
the Philippine
Little Lady
Little Lady
Player #685680, My grandfather had a cousin who never made it back from there. He left behind a pregnate wife. Never got to see his daughter. He was only 20 years old.There is a huge memorial monument for him in the local cemetery.
Megz B, But those people are long gone. Hatred is senseless.
Bataan death March definitely should have been highlighted.
someday that my ashes will be in the Philippines. that is my resting place of my ashes.
Proud Filipino
about in my country!!!