What is the Lockheed C-130 transport plane also known as?
Correct answer: Hercules

Have had the opportunity to see one being loaded and they are shockingly massive! Amazing that it can takeoff and land with the cargo they carry.

Player #1853334
I saw the Blue Angles preform in Tampa FL. & they use the C130 to haul their equipment . At the end of the show it took off using so little runway I couldn't believe it got off the ground & almost stood it on it's tail .The pilot poored it to it & went straight up , vertically . To me it was the highlight of the whole show . I'll never forget it . Awesome !!;

I've been human cargo in one. They are massive. the props soothe me right to sleep.

Most Hercs are older than the pilots flying them.

The Blue Angels have 2 of them ! Fat Albert and Big Bertha ! I saw them 5 times !

Player #11972146
my son is a United States Marine and he flys in and repairs these big planes.

I've flown in one as a kid because my dad is in the Canadian air force. Very loud!

The FIRST Hercules was Howard Hughes so-called "Spruce Goose"...

Player #14993519.
pixieish, My goodness that’s a really big plane , also saw one up close,,Love to go to the military air shows,,it’s amazing how they fly with so much weight,,your right,,I salute all the wonderful pilots who fly these magnificent air planes ✈️,

Dark helmet
130's were my first aircraft to work on and is looking like last. Tried n true airplane that can take alot of abuse and still perform so many variations of missions. The new 8 bladed props are more efficient and will be a matter of time till they have many more (like a turbofan).

Lived in Marietta, GA for 49 years and they flew over our various houses almost daily. Husband and Father-in-law both worked for the Lockheed plant that built this babies. FIL once said that building the C-130s was what “kept the lights on” at the Marietta plant…, and that was $1,000,000 per month!!!

Player #1853334, you are so right, seeing the actual big beautiful , warrior of an airplane, up close, is marvelous! , so fascinating how big, how heavy it is and what it can do is exciting! ,

I was Crew Chief on a Hercules when I was in the Air Force...Awesome aircraft!!

Player #63944733
was also a crew cheif during Nam. base station CCK.

they were regular visitors at our special forces A camp, and I saw one take off with rocket assisted take off and another one got some concertina wire on take off.

I've jumped out of several while serving in the 82nd ABN and 7th SFG(A). Not very pleasant during mass tactical jumps from the second one back, very rough flight. AATW-SF!

A true workhorse!

Player #1853334, very massive, I love to go to the Military Air Shows and see, up close, the big amazing air planes and helicopters 🚁,,

Rick Rancid
InDisguise20, But its COLD...lol

Mary J Brockenshire
they used to fly over my house on there way to Niagara Falls air base, but since have changed there flight patterns.

Player #16740380
I was crew chief on a C130E during Nam. Great aircraft.

Danny's Boy
as an American Paratrooper I've jumped out of many c-130 Hercules. Hellof a plane!!

Tur D'ferguson
jumped out of many when I was in Army...AATW!

I flew to Viet Nam in one. They make lots of creaking noises.

Guillermo Jr.
its surname is Poirot..

I rode on 1 from sicily to naples. they are terrible to travel in as a passenger. cold & noisy, u had to wear earphones.

ninja granny your father did not fly these in ww2, they did not start being made until after that way was over. I flew as flight engineer in them in vietnam war.

Phadraiga, workhorse of the military as versatile as the CH-47 Chinook

Player #30161759
Live by Moffett Field in CA. Use to see them many times a day flying over our house. awesome

Player #13023389
I've seen the Blue Angel's and the Herc they"re loaded is very massive. Debby

Went2pot , a jet mechanic on a prop plane? I don't understand.

Tamara_1985, My dad was a jet engine mechanic on C-130 in the Vietnam War for the US Airforce. November 1961- December 1965

Player #21480634
my husband worked on these for 7 years in special ops. great plane but his favorite was the F-106

Player #1853334, I love that workhorse of a plane

Player. Ty
They use to fly over my house once in awhile coming in for a landing,,, a couple of 100ft. above and still Shake the house

Player #5100533