When was the Boeing 747 first used for commerical service?
Correct answer: 1970

Mr Chris
I worked for Pan Am in those days and flew on the inaugural flight of the 747 in 1971.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that NASA used one to test the Space Shuttle during its development? The Shuttle sat on the back of the 747 whilst it took it to altitude before releasing it to fly on its own. It then glided to Earth as normal to touchdown.

Pimpao +
Is still a strong favorite for most comfortable aircraft in service, among crews and passengers

new info for me.thanks

Player #598872
Pimpao +,l had my first plane ride going to Vancouver in 1972 in that jumbo 747. they served a nice meal too. unlike the teeny bag of chips you get now!

Syr Hal
Or Commerical?

Player #897246
Pimpao +,

Pimpao +
contrary to the new aircraft