Iraq, Egypt and Lebanon all boycotted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne in protest of what?
Correct answer: The Suez Canal crisis

it seems we don't know so much about our world's history.....we have to work on that a little bit more...

Sonia, reading .. in learning so many interesting things play this game..

Great explanations!

Da Bomb
Technically accurate, but the true story and details are left out of the explanation. It isn't like Israel decided to attack Egypt for no reason.

Player #29700568
Hugo, Read your history before you make comments. UK and France attacked because Nasser annexed the Suez canal and Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula because Nasser blocked the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping which was in essense an act of piracy.

It's good that we're not just given the answer but the reason for it too.

egypt placed their troops on the border which is an obvious preparation for an attack. Israel did a preemptive strike and started the war. saying israel invaded egypt is like saying that a girl attacked a guy and put him in the hospital while ignoring that she used pepper spray while he ran at her with a knife

Sonia, yes! I agree!

Player #17305956
World events always entiwines politics and sport. Pity.

Miss Sue
Sonia, Absolutely right. I am using this game to do just that. ☺

Sonia, I learned all this in high school. Of course, I went to school in Texas during the 80s, when schools actually taught history.

Sonia, Who’s we? Many of us know a lot of history.

Player #2775901
Sonia, what’s with the we….

equestrian horses... is there another kind I haven't heard about?

Nobby Deux
Another triumph of Tory international relations

Player BAZZA
M.Keys25, cant

Player BAZZA
M.Keys25, beat it

Player #2512936
Player #10062626, Both Sides have Their faults. Israelis can bei very aggressive. ElAl, the mosted disliked Airline at JFK.

jackie jay just
I'm sorry.but what are you talking about???

Gem cart
Sonia, def true

Sonicgirl, brit should stay in uk. you're so arrogant.

Player #4684478, - I believe she was speaking for herself & TOUCHE'

i used to live in melbourne