Scurvy is the result of a deficiency in which vitamin?
Correct answer: Vitamin C

Realising that vitamin C was needed, sailors took limes onboard to combat scurvy. The British were the first to do this, which is where the term Limeys come from when referring to them.

Pimpao +
first registered by Portuguese and British sailors that lost 1/3 to more than half of crew to its slow painful death ,cure for their long oceanic trips. arises due to poor diet, no fresh fruit and vegis ,Vitamin C deficiency .

Player #38441669
mick dundee, that was captain James Cook. On his voyage of discovery of the east coast of Australia. He copied the Dutch, who didn't suffer scurvy on long voyages,because of eating daily amounts of sauerkraut (high in vitamin c) He returned to England not losing one person to scurvy. A remarkable feat that brought him as much fame as his discoveries!

Player #27821860
I was amazed at the number of people who died from scurvy. Over 2 million.

Player #10639782
yes. vitamin c was the biggest vitamin deficiency for sailors but also a major killer was mercury poisoning which occurred by eating food from tin cans and mercury from less paint

Tincantitan1, no kidding??!!! interesting!! I learned something new!! thanx!!

Player #47139280
Tincantitan1, they actually took lemons as limes don't have much h vitamin c but back then they called both limes

and it was the Native Tribes who showed the "new" Americans that you could make tea from the pine tree to remedy this & "we" showed our thanks by... nevermind. learn your REAL history.

Mujahid Mohideen R
OMG.. Scurvy is so deadly 😯

I wish I hadn't read that, now I think I've got scurvy.

Player #120374466
Player Winnie, That was a different era. Today we have so many fruits and vegetables available to us than people who lived 200 years ago

Player #66817220
Vitamin C deficiency is also a common problem for pet guinea pigs.

Player #66817220
If I understand correctly, this is where vitamin C gets its technical name, ascorbic acid. A- ("not" or "against") -scorbic ("scurvy").

Player Winnie
Pimpao +, I was once a sailor but ever knew this only seasickness!

Kiwi Bird
A couple of Norwegian students started to develop scurvy a few years back. All because the frozen pizza brand they lived on made a version of their best-selling pizza without paprika, which they preferred.

this is very easy for me

Player #19091285
Tincantitan1, interesting, i didnt know the part about limey's

Player #2512936
I believe this is even taught in Grade school. I Just Love The fruits that have plenty of Vitamin C. This Game and a Glass of Juice Mixed with Sparkling Mineral Water is an excellant Match before bed.

mick dundee
was it Columbus who combated scurvy with coleslaw? there was certainly one famous sailor that did it

Player #10639782
lead paint

FrouFrouQuail20037, don't bother worrying about that type, they just think they're being cute. Ignore them, they'll grow up eventually.

Player #4685238, Your family must be so proud of you when you produce these little pearls of wisdom. This forum is for those who enjoy learning and knowledge of life on Earth, the universe and beyond. Maybe I should be more gentle with you and suggest you talk to a social worker or therapist... Your life could be so much more for you if you let it. I genuinely wish you a happy and worthwhile life. Find better friends that are good people, a much easier life to live for you. Look for them and don't give up until you find the good guys. Peace

Big Blue Narwhal, me too!

Tincantitan1, knew that plus a lime in the picture