According to legend, where did the Norse gods live?
Correct answer: Valhalla

Mike Mead
Daniela Santos, this is incorrect. Valhalla is where warriors who die in battle go. the gods live in asgaard.

Daniela Santos
This answer is wrong.
Norse Gods lived in Asgard, only when gods or humans they go to Valhalla.

Asgard. Valhalla was where dead vikings went.

Agree with everyone here. This question is wrong. The Norse God's lived in Asgard. (or 'a scarf' according to autocorrect.) :-)

they lived in asgard

The question doesn't match the answer. It asks where they live but gives answer of where they go after they die

Player Elf Counsel
Belugas&PolarBears, Gods didn't die. It was dead heroes who went to Vahalla.

LaContessa, mine said Asgard not 'a scarf

Norse Gods not God's. I hate autocorrect!!

Sir Cool 1
Led Zep knew that they were singing about

wrong answer