What planet in our solar system has a rotation that is parallel to the plane of its orbit?
Correct answer: Uranus

Giant Midget
one day I will be mature enough to not giggle inside when I hear the name Uranus

Player #12279055
Giant Midget, I doubt I will ever get that mature.

The question should have asked "Which planet has a rotation 'perpendicular' to its orbital plane, with its axis of rotation aligned with the sun?" I think that's what the subsequent explanation is trying to convey.

I agree the question is poorly stated

I read that scientists believe it had a nasty collision with something that messed up its rotation.

Uranus is cool!

Why is it referred to as a he?

Player #38558434
Sorry Jim Redden you are wrong. Neptune and Uranus are known as the ice giants Saturn and Jupiter are the gas giants

Holly Golightly
I barely understood the explanation

Original name : George

YUR' un us

toothless beachrat
I had a t shirt in the 80's-90's, the front stated "is there life...", and the back read ON URANUS

Player #97184361
gobledygook, I agree with you somewhat , but to those who have not had extensive scientific learning it a straight question without the drag of too much info. I cut through and allow myself to be in their shoes. It’s fun and remembering early days of ignorance. Just saying.! ! !😜

seanieG eire/kreta
Giant Midget, can I see Uranus tonight 😃

I didn't understand the question, and then I didn't understand the answer. So I'm no wiser.

Giant Midget, 😂 You’re going to have a lot of company! 🤪

Player #38618593
Giant Midget, Then pronounce it, "ur-AHH-nus". Problem solved.

Giant Midget, or have the reference to a gas giant included ;)

Dip can we say Uranus as 1 cool kitty & a hot dog ... depending on your take on classic 1 liners

Player #3532789
Ignis Consurgens, I closed my eyes and picked one! It worked!!!

Player #8639988, agreed. Its AXIS of rotation is at 90 degrees, not its rotation. And for you gigglers, it's yur (an as in ran) us.

"Uranus can't stop being unusual - beside it's characteristic of being a gas giant"

Player. Ty
The Gas Giants haven't even formed yet.>Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus & Neptune<Balls of Gas!

Gena Styletto
Giant Midget, '"Uranus is strange". Maybe a protoplanologist can 'ansserwer' some questions? 😏😇😉

Player #16241745
Uranus is an ice giant, not a gas giant

Player #12388689
Uranus ....... planet????

uranus and myanus are exceptional

Paul Haidet-Florida
Even though Uranus is closer to the Sun than Neptune, it's much colder!

it also has a mooned named miranda which happens to be one of my managers name. we have fun with thay

Like millions of other planets! I m sure there are millions and trillions but we haven't the evidence to say how many rotate this way yet.

sebela92, What's the correct word?