Why is the day-time sky blue?
Correct answer: Air molecules scatter blue light more
Player #2075063
better answer would be blue has a shorter wavelength and therefore diffuses first. which is why the ocean and sky appear blue.
very interesting!
very educational trivia
game caused me to learn stuff... Again!
Sparty Cyclone
Or, as Judge Harry T. Stone on Night Court would say, “Because if it was green, we wouldn’t know where to stop mowing.”
Now that is intetesting to know!
I’ve always thought it had something to do with the ocean
wow good to know
Daniel A.
Does anyone remember... Roy g biv? It's how I was taught to remember the color spectrum as a child. Just say'n... 😁
I've always wondered why the sky is blue
Toya 🇺🇸, because the sky is reflected in the water! At night the ocean looks black...
Mari Belle
Victoria, dont worry victoria you're not alone. I dont think i can explain this to a kid on my own haha
Even after all that,,I still don’t really understand it,
I had no idea, Very good question. I try to learn at least one new thing a day so this app is really helping Me do that. I encourage my kids and others to do the same.
a few days ago I was at the beach and I was wondering why the sky is blue and I googled it so I was happy to see this question ☺️
Dayrell Finally after 65 years I receive an answer to a question I have always wanted to KNOW!!
Player #2075063, then shouldn’t the sky appear violet?
Player #27662590RayD
With all the planets found. We are the only planet with an amazing blue sky.
The grass is green and the sky is blue so you know where to stop mowing. LOL An old commercial on TV if you remember that far back.
Fascinating! Wish I had known this when my kids asked.
"that you probably will never tell them" ummmm nope. SPREAD KNOWLEDGE.
Player #39572751
does quantum physics suggest light is not a wave?
Player #32839846
I enjoy Science Information such as this. I have always found this to be very interesting.
Player #30746915
Nice pic of a submarine at PD.
Daniel A., I do indeed remember, and will never forget. I think it was around 5th grade when I learned it. Thanks Mr. Biv!
Player #11533915
I learned this in physics but this explains it more🤗
Player #11526555
I did not get that question right 😒😕
Player #25874027
Dum dum,
What you will find as you play is that many of the question setters just cut and paste articles from Wikipedia and don’t clarify answers correctly
Player #25874027
Daniel A.,
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
0383, spelled "science" wrong.
nico robin
I only know Rayleigh from One Piece.
Player #18996322
that's nice info thank you for reminding me see the problem aint just the money it's mine n my kids life I can't get back I'm ashamed it's time to return what was taken they made while are life's were stripped for greed politics movie books n much more but if I had a choice I would choose to go back to 1985 but I can't it was taken I know you understand
Player #19767518
I agree more with response by #2075063
Cool. I got it wrong
just like Teen Titans go
Player #12881299
I've been lied by my teachers all this time?
from what i learned, the sky appears blue because of the reflection of the sea. None of the answers are related to sea.
JR. Gee
Smart who ever found that out true story amazing
Player #10830538
very interesting