Who wrote the US National Anthem?
Correct answer: Francis Scott Key

Key was a lawyer sent to negotiate the release of prisoners on the ship. The only demand from the Brits was to remove the flag. The prisoners refused to be released if it meant lowering the flag. The British decided to bomb it and fired barrage after barrage. The pole was blown from the ground. Troops kept raising and holding the pole while being shelled. In the morning the flag was still upright with the pole being held up by the bodies of the dead soldiers. This is why we stand for the flag and anthem.

The soldiers who raised the flag in Ft. McHenry were going to make sure it stayed up no matter what. The British were certain they'd killed the soldiers holding up the flag, but in the morning, as Key wrote, the flag was still there, albeit leaning to 1 side. On inspection, they found that as the soldiers holding the flag were killed, others came to take their place. So it was being held in place by a pile of soldiers who'd given their lives to make sure that flag didn't fall!

Player #210459
Player #197443, when are people going to stop looking for some type of racist meaning in every singlr thing!!!!!

Player #3184825, You’re absolutely correct. Those that act like pointing out blatant racism is just something people do now, are ignorant by their own choosing. I am able to recognize the privileged freedom we as Americans have. However I will not allow myself or my children or my children’s children to forget that our freedom was won by the slaughter and imprisonment of millions of innocent human lives. Those men who died to keep our flag flying are the same men that believed in killing native people in order to have land for themselves and if they were rich enough, buying men, women and children to tend that stolen, bloody land and it’s contents. Those men went to the trading ports to inspect, buy and sell human beings in the exact way they would inspect and buy cattle or horses!! For over two hundred years that practice continued! How on earth can people not realize the destruction of mind, body and soul those acts caused?? How can you be angry at someone for pointing out the facts?! The FACT that people don’t want those truths taught in classrooms and refuse to teach their children, is the exact reason that many black and Native American people today always bring it up! Because it happened and most of white society just acts like it was just a little mistake a long long time ago that has zero lasting effects. It should be acknowledged, taught to all children in our schools and looked at full on to stop and prevent further, the racism that is experienced by millions!!

He was a prisoner on a british ship when he woke that morning after the bombardment. The line "and the flag was still there" came fronhis excitement after seeing old glory flying above the fort.

Montana Lady
Sgtmichaelrich, I grew up between DC and Baltimore... and that is NOT the story of our US National Anthem! Yes, Francis Scott Key went to negotiate a prisoner release but no one died for a scrap of fabric!
While on the boat Key overheard plans of a British sneak attack by land and sea that night to take Baltimore (a MAJOR port city, that could have turned the war) so the British made him stay on their boat until afterwards.
That night they slipped boats into the Baltimore harbor and began firing at Fort McHenry! The whole time Key was on a British boat watching helplessly from the harbor trying to see the flag over the fort, because if the fort fell-- we LOST BALTIMORE!
When it was still there at dawn he wrote a poem "The Assault on Fort McHenry" which became our US National Anthem. The tattered flag that flew that night can be seen today in the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington DC.

Player #210459, as soon as people do their research, realize that there r actually FOUR verses to the anthem and then ask themselves what the REAL reason is for why we only sing and were taught one!

Sgtmichaelrich, Indeed. Well said! More people should know this. The respect and history of our Flag shall never be forgotten.
SSG Briggs, James
U.S. Army (ret.)

HandyPerception124, As a Combat Veteran, that one Veteran didn't speak for me or every other Veteran. And yes, it was and still is EXTREMELY disrespect to kneel for the National Anthem.
Yes, I, my husband, and several members of my family have served to protect the over paid player's rights to exercise their freedom of speech, but I also can express mine, and state that it's extremely disheartening.

Maxaroosmems23, slavery has been abolished in the US for over 150 years, unlike many other places on Earth. the US is truly the land of the free and home of the brave #getoverit

kkoolest, EXACTLY, thank you for saying this. We need to stop being selective with the truth.

Sgtmichaelrich, I don’t understand

I got answer wrong but I am the fan of this hame

Sgtmichaelrich, wow! Thank you for sharing!☺️

Sgtmichaelrich wow I have never known that I've been in this world 64 years almost thank you for that wonderful information and you take care God bless

# florida girl
I learned that in second grade

Eric the red
PamperedClub3, Me too. That's why I wrap myself in it every day.

Eric the red
intropilot , I wrap myself in the flag every day. Don't try to out patriot me! I'm more patriotic than anyone. I'll unalive anyone that questions my patriotism!

Eric the red
loaf, Noone is as patriotic as I am. I wrap myself in the flag everywhere I go. And if someone says anything I don't like I either plug my ears or punch them in the mouth. God bless America! USA!

Eric the red
Player #12902748, I always run around wrapped in the American flag. Every where I go

Eric the red
MrsLamley, slavery still exists in this country. Not in the same form but there is still a lot of human trafficking all over the world and yes here.

Lexi the Pixie
kkoolest, While I agree with you, die the most part, you are wrong about 1 important thing. There is only one verse to the anthem. The other 3 are only part of the poem Key wrote. They were never part of the anthem.

WonderJokerWoman, thank you and your husband for your service. I don't totally agree with you but I'm glad that you can be honest and express how you feel without being derogatory. Definitely salute you!

Made a fool out of me...

every American knows this from grammar school

I also read that when Francis Scott Key went to negotiate with the British he could not return from his trip due to the fighting. That is why he was at the fort overnight.

Inky P
Sgtmichaelrich, yeah but, I will never sing it's words anymore, how many people never sing this disrespectful song all the way through to the third verse, where it says we will kill blacks or anyone of color. Here is one more nasty note for all you white people, who are these president's trying to keep out of the United States of America Inc. The crisis at the border?
(Americans) we live on the Northern continent these people come from other American countries whether it is Central or South America we are all Americans, wake up and think about it!

Player #7875339, You don't have to wonder what Lincoln would have done. His quotes in the Illinois presidential library are clear - he wanted slaves free AND deported, NOT integrated. He was working on destinations of Panama or Liberia. He couldn't imagine peace otherwise. He was right.

Key didn't write the tune, which was a traditional barroom sing-along. He did however put his own lyrics to the song.

Player #126823939
Player #7875339, Yeah and don't forget how much land Native Americans were given unlike African Americans

WonderJokerWoman, sabyasrypsabIhykarad

the Breeze
and for those who won't stand for our anthem and flag, who try to tare down the very nation that gives them soooo much more than any nation in history (and we can thank Jesus for this" ; GET OUT, GET OUT, JUST GET OUT!!!!!🎚🇺🇲🗽

Thought they were at one time changing this

Outstanding patriots!!!

Player #210459, Francis Scott Keye WAS A RACIST LYRICIST AND WHY NATIVE BORN BLACK AMERICANS REFUSE TO STAND FOR IT! And when you can tell me what it feels like EVERYDAY in the country, I'll consider what YOU think...

kevadams1964, that is the story I heard.

Player #119364544
Player #7875339, the "government" started handouts as you call it and it was the "government" who created the need for "handouts" in the first place

Sgtmichaelrich, wow! Thank you for sharing that. I have never heard that.

Sgtmichaelrich, When I was a kid I had cousins who lived in Baltimore. On a summer vacation, we visited them and went to a re-enactment of the writing of "TSSB".I was about 12, and thought it was pretty cool.

Sgtmichaelrich, This. is. to. have. respect. for. our. country. cause. it's. the. Land. of. the. free. whi h. means. we. hVe. the. freedom.