Who wrote 'The Grapes of Wrath'?
Correct answer: John Steinbeck

Donna Tuck
Must watch this film... Steinbeck's books are fantastic!

Player #685776
if anyone thinks they have it bad, should watch this movie or read the book.

Children today still need to read this novel! wontheerfully qritten, like all of Steinbeck's materials! very realistic.

Both of my parents grew up like that, migrant working families....went to where there was work. Mainly stayed at the Shantytowns unless there was a real cheap place to rent.

this is such a great book. was supposed to read it in high school and couldn't get into it. revisited it after college. such beautiful writing. hard to find that kind of human observation anymore in a book.

love the book...and the movie.

Player #11503902
LightGlass2016, I read it in Graduate English class. My grandparents survived the depression and my father was born in 1932. They were luckier than most, because my grandfather worked for the railroad. I remember visiting my grandmother’s sister and I went with her down to her cellar, where I saw wall to wall and so many shelves of various preserves, canned goods, and other foods. My great aunt, wanted to make sure she and her family would always have enough food to eat.

I am going to read this book...YES

Love this book. I've read the book, seen the play, the 1941 movie, and have a radio version. Steinbeck is one of my favorite authors.

Donna Tuck, It is my favorite book! Heartrending, but very accurate of the time period

Ahh, my formative years in Salinas.

I'd love more literature questions!

I read the book and also saw the movie. Both were so moving.

required reading for every real American and the movie was superb

ProudBeagle5583, both right up there with to kill a mockingbird

Donna Tuck, East of Eden is one of them.

Player #49986886, Good for you!

RojoNavigator, And a lyric to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, also.

Player #11503902, This comment: Love it, love it!!

Diz, True all so true!

ObnoxiousFire174, Many of these Dust Bowl migrant working families settled in South California and that is why the Orange Packing Industry is tops. Grapes of Wrath is an excellent book that all should, and the original old movie is hus as good too.

Donna Tuck, Totally spot on! I love Steinbeck much. One day I will go to the museum and the house he lived in. He was great at depicting the “Salt of the Earth/ down trodden individuals. I especially liked Tortilla Flat and Of Mice and Men. I wish I could be such a prolific writer as he was.

Mars V
Ben's Girl, Read a book. It won’t hurt.

Joyous one
Terri, we, the players, use stars t to mark which questions we like.

Player #49986886
Donna Tuck, I'm ashamed to say I've never read it. But I will now.

The description of this book fails to mention that it tells the eons old story of class exploitation of simple folk of the earth by the greedy, educated, and powerful who create and control systems of economic exploitation. Truth in fiction gotta love Steinbeck.

Gunnar Gunderson
Terri, Stars are difficult of the question.

I just spent the night in Salinas. There was a freeway exit called JOHN

Shelby Carpenter,
The phrase ''grapes of wrath'' is a biblical allusion, or reference, to the Book of Revelation, passage 14:19-20, which reads, ''So the angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth, and threw them into the great wine press of the wrath of God.''

Player #8149070,
I don't get what they're for either. evidently no one else does either.

Yes, yes. But what about the rabbits? We never hear enough about them.

A hard movie to watch, incredible what they endured!

Proud to be an Okie from Green Country which has beautiful lakes, Osage Hills and beautiful Tulsa. Take me back to Tulsa, Living on Tulsa Times.....

my jr.high is name Steinbeck and we had to read all his books in my English class but I have seen all his movies to..My grandparents are oakies and they had theyer car full and drove all those dirt roads in ca.and how bad were her would on and on how they struggle in ca.she would of been 113 right now if she was alive...

Player #21995433
Player Shakukoko, I love this book too. the ending blows my mind. life goes on....

Player #21679779
I reread it about every 5 years, still holds up.

Player #19472386
A very vivid & heart felt movie with some very good character actors like the lady that played Fondas mother on the movie.

I have been playing this for years but I am clueless on what the stars mean. help me please!

Player #15184524

Player #16006967
ANYTHING by john steinbeck is wonderful- my FAV author !!!