Jamaica is considered to be part of what continent?

Correct answer: North America

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What people think about it: 19 Comments
how can it be the 5th largest and the largest island at the same time?
Cuba, not Jamaica, is the largest island in the Caribbean
Jamaica and the Caribbean islands are not considered part of any of the Americas (North, South or Central). North America consists on the in Canada, the USA and Mexico. You should've asked Fidel Castro if he considered Cuba to be a part of North America...
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player #9398981, Mexico is never considered a part of South America--the geography makes that impossible. As for culture, the largest country in South America speaks Portuguese, not Spanish, so there is no clean "colonisation" grouping at all. Remember, Belize and Guarana speak English, Surinam, if I recall, speaks Dutch. That leaves geography as the only reliable means of classification, and you can't have South America abruptly narrow to fifty miles in width then gradually widen until you reach the Rio Grande. And the Rio doesn't divide the entire land between Mexico and the US. No, the only logical dividing point is the border between Panama and Colombia.
Player enigma101
Player enigma101
Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean ( Cuba is the largest and then the island of Hispaniola). However, Jamaica is the largest of the English-speaking Caribbean islands.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Jo, no, Panama is the southernmost nation in North America. Central America is not a continent but rather a geographical region, part of North America. I was stationed there and was an intelligence analyst covering Central America. It's a part of North America.
Continents are land masses, Europe, Asia, Africa Australia, Antarctica north and South America. Separate island countries are not part of continents.
Player #36810933
Player #36810933
Jamaica is not a part of any continent
if you Google, most experts agree "Jamaica is technically part of North America"
Player #3138816
Player #3138816
BrokenCamel88934, Quite !!!
57 Condor
57 Condor
Jefe Pluma Blanca, America is one continent but is divided into north,central and South America.
Jefe Pluma Blanca
Jefe Pluma Blanca
Sadly, there are many uptight Americans who would rather not be grouped in with 'latinos' and islanders, and there are plenty of Central Americans who refer to anyone from the USA or Canada as Norteamericano (lit. North American) that is, distinct from themselves who are, of course, also American. Aside from nationalistic fervour however the simple fact is that geographically, the Americas are divided into two continents: North and South America. The border between the two lies at the border between Panama and Colombia.
Player #26059569
Player #26059569
Cuba is the largest island
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #24358685, The point is it is not physically part of the political entity
Player enigma101
Player enigma101
Jamaica is not a part of the North American continent!
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Andy, and Hispaniola is number two, with Jamaica coming ing in third (Puerto Rico is fourth). Both nations on Hispaniola are larger than Jamaica, making it the fourth largest Caribbean nation, unless there is a multiple-island nation I'm missing.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player #19020413, North America includes all nations to the border with Colombia. Once you grasp that and look at a map, it becomes obvious why Jamaica is part of North America. Castro's feelings about it don't make any difference. And why wouldn't it be? There are many cultures and ethnicities in NA. Culturally, Jamaica has virtually nothing in common with South America. Different language, different religious makeup, different governmental concepts (English parliamentary vs Spanish colonial).
Player #8988878Xet
Player #8988878Xet
good smokin' stuff!
always wanted to go there