What actress earned an Oscar nomination for the first screen appearance of Mary Poppins?
Correct answer: Julie Andrews

Michelle Drew
My favorite movie of all time. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!!!

A supercalifragilisticexpialidocious question!

remember when this movie was made they didn't use the special efx like they do now...so the voice in the movie singing was ALL Julie Andrew's! not to mention another great musical, "The Sound of Music"!

Mia Luster
Love this movie!

Player #4565267
Julie Andrews also played Maria Von Trapp in the movie The Sound of Music and the Queen in the movie franchise of the Princess Diaries alongside movie actress Anne Hathaway.

if you dont like Julie Andrews, you're probably not human.

Angie Martin
Me too, it's a brillant film !!!

Benjamin Sicoli
Good movie

Player #875935, me too. i remember seeing it for the first time when i was 5 years old. this and sound of music. my parents bought me the soundtracks to both and i played them til the needle grove was almost through the records. i knew every song by heart.

it's ya girl Tatyana
just a spoon full of suger helps the medician go down

PLTra ets was an Aussie

I am not even born in 1900 i was born in the 2000 2015

ophelia, fantastic

keroppi fans 😎

why are you explaining this?

HorseShack Kotter
My Great Favorite Movie Is Star Wars I Love The Battle Between Luke Skywalker And Darth Vader

Big donor to my cause

نادين لورين بتال
NK djjks

Penelope von Sweets
What are you doing today

seen this many a time ad a child . then my own girls liked it

I love alli the movies that Julie Andrews was in.

ophelia, pi

Player #143085717
I love Mary popping it is my favourite thing to watch it is so good very morning I used to watch it

Player #143085717
I love Mary popping it is my favourite thing to watch it is so good I used to

Lady Klaybuck
ophelia, good one!🤠

emmy beaird
Hamilton the axoloti love that movie

emmy beaird
red fork2012 I read and loved all of p.l. Travis books about Mary poppins. they are hard to find now. I love the movie saving Mr. banks about Disney's problems getting permission to make Mary poppins. he won. but they were very different from the tart Mary poppins I knew growing up. my sis hated her! but I loved her wild adventures- and took my own children on ours.

emmy beaird
player # 875935. me too. I remember seeing for the first time when I was5 years old. this and sound of music. my parents bought me the soundtracks to both and I played them till the needle grove was almost through the records. I knew every song by heart.

Orange Juice
Michelle Drew, we love Mary Poppins
She is so sigma

Mary Poppins is one of the good ones

great Disney film of all time especially for the family

Michelle Drew, hate it

Player #141081887

Player #121984395

RedFork2012, I read all the books too! Yes, she is much more tart and strict in the books. But I love their adventures! The park statue that comes alive and meeting the constellations are my favorite.

Loved this movie.

As a Pediatric Homecare Nurse, I got to see the movie... again, & again & again & again !!! Good thing I liked it when I was a little girl !!

I remember seeing Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music when I was a child. It was wonderful magical fun.

Jaspreet Kaur
very nice 🙂

It will certainly be a film that will go down in history.