Where is the Capitol of the United States located?

Correct answer: District of Columbia

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What people think about it: 34 Comments
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
I grew up between DC & Baltimore, when I was 20-ish I was managing a casino at a Montana truckstop and this truck driver came in and asked me how long it would take to get to Washington. I asked where in Washington he was headed, Spokane? Tacoma? Seattle? (Montana in the northwest US, and Washington state is as northwest as you can get in the US.... so he HAD to be going there, right?) He told me, Washington D.C. (which is on the east coast) and that this was his very first truck driving trip.... he also said he hadn't realized it would take this long. I don't recall where he came from now but it was in the Midwest US and he'd driven an entire day in the wrong direction, all because he looked at the map and just assumed Washington DC, HAD to be in Washington state. I just remember being floored and completely unsure how to tell him the truth.... So, if you didn't know the answer, just be happy you learned easier than he did, from some kid at a truckstop casino.
Interesting info! Been there several times. Smithsonian Institutes are free and are amazing museums. Still haven't gotten through them all. John F. Kennedy is buried in the Arlington National Cemetery where an eternal flame burns 24/7. Also there is the Changing of the Guards which also is amazing at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
( Narat )
( Narat )
I took my family there last summer, it was my worst vacation ever! People are rushing everywhere, rude behavior, but then again I'm more of a country person.
DaveGundërsen, That story reminds me of when I lived in Leeds, England and a tourist asked me the way to Leeds Castle. I had to break the news to him that Leeds Castle is in Kent.
confused fifty eight year old yearning to learn
Montana Lady, reminds me of someone I know who thought they had booked a flight on line from Birmingham Airport England only to find out it was Birmingham US.
Probably every state has a capital city with a capitol. How many know that Capitol (capitalized) means a specific building in D.C and not the capital of the country?
I was stationed in Fairchild a million years ago. Being from Maryland I called DC Washington. Right after I got there I was telling a buddy about DC and his comment was no biggie since we were both in the state anyways. Even to this day I say DC for DC and specify Washington State as the other...no more ruined stories.
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Player #25874027, born and raised in the beautiful state of Washington, never visited the other Washington. Probably should have, but probably won't now at 80
Silly Sausage, the name of the city is WASHINGTON DC. Yes the Columbia part of the name came from Christopher Columbus but the name of the city came from our first president
Amazing how so many people guessed Washington state, which is on the opposite coast of the USA
Player #25874027, please don’t go there!!!
Jenerous73, when I was very young I thought D.C. stood for “ Da Capital”.
micron9999, the building has a dome, so it is spelled with an "O"
Player #83990383
Player #83990383
StrongWraith19290, same here@70
Montana Lady, oh my gosh …oh my gosh. Poor guy…but this is what they send out in the road. No training …half the time the trainer has only been driving 6 mos. & has never driven in snow! Aye Yai Yai!
Montana Lady, ,,,Yes before gps technology those guys could make very costly but easy to make mistakes,, I changed My career to long haul truck driving in 2016, I can sympathize,, Also I am pretty sure Alaska is as far nw a US state can be,,But I`m just being nitpicky,,,lol
number one
number one
( Narat ), how are you
Player #35807537
Player #35807537
Washington dc is the capital of the USA, I've been told
Montana Lady, Wow. That is unbelievable. Talk about poor planning...
Silly Sausage, the city of Washington DC was named after President Washington not the district.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Silly Sausage, Having just heard that George Washington was a slave holder, I’m wondering how long it will be be before BLM are demanding the capital is changed.
Player wrong way
Player wrong way
i hit rhw the wrong one
Crown Joolz
Crown Joolz
Ah, I see how they've worded it. My mistake. Ignore previous post.
Crown Joolz
Crown Joolz
Colombia is named after Washington? As a Brit that makes no sense???? Surely it would be called Washington if it was named after him?
Player #4047702
Player #4047702
So the U S Capitol is in the District of Columbia.
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
Montana Lady, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... JEESH LADY....
Silly Sausage
Silly Sausage
District of Columbia named after George Washington? Doesn't make sense.
Player #lillavo
Player #lillavo
( Narat ), p
:(Nancy E):
:(Nancy E):
A place I’ve never been and hope to see some day.
Montana Lady, I love this story!! And while I got this correct I never knew what the DC stood for. Nice to learn!!!
I'm from California and moved to upstate New York. my family is in Washington State, so flying to see them means I got to get a Washington DC hoodie at the airport!! always say State!
PeekingGourmet60006, it's actually called Washington , District of Columbia. so the washington part is what is named after George Washington the President
Montana Lady, Wow, that kid made a rough mistake! One can only hope it was an affective learning experience that helped him raise his own awareness of geography, and his place in the world. If it worked out for him, well, that's a hilarious story.