Which dog breed is considered to be barkless?
Correct answer: Basenji

Montana Lady
Aw, the picture is of an Afghan Hound and an Affie puppy. I lost mine last year at the age of 18, originally wound up owning her as a fluke (I showed Great Danes), but she was my baby... I've never had an animal closer to my heart or with a better sense of humor and I miss her dearly.

mMy grandparents had a Basenji. She was a wonderful dog.

I think I'd much prefer a bark over a "yodel" or "scream." Just saying.

Speaking from experience, I immediately ruled out terriers!

lauriest527, I currently have a Basenji. And, I adore every thing about her. Her cute personality and her funny habits. Everything in this article describes my dog as well.

They are great dogs. They may not bark per se, but they do make noise.

Montana Lady, I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a beautiful Rottweiler “Bear” who I felt the same for. I doubt there will ever be another in my life quite like him ♥️

Alaskan malamutes are barkless unless taught to bark and still they will only bark when prompted. Great dogs. Very big and extremely strong.

I found out the hard way about their inability to bark. I was walking past a house while delivering mail and saw a dog sitting on the porch. Not a single indication of aggressiveness. As I continued across the yard I thought I was safe. Next thing I know, the dog was chewing on my ankle!

Real cute movie came out in 1956 about a basenji, "Good-bye, My Lady", cute without Disney saccharine overtones.

they look a little like dingos

Player #92723922
WaldoLydeker, Wonderful movie! That's how I knew the answer to this question.

Montana Lady, so sorry 😔. When I got divorced, we fought more about the animals than the house. As long as I can remember, I have always said if I had to spend the rest of my life with only animals or only people, animals EVERY TIME!

toothless beachrat
I seem to remember hearing MANY years ago, (in the 80's) that the Lhasa Apso did not bark. Perhaps someone can answer?!

toothless beachrat
Player #25090307,
I taught my pitbull to climb trees in the early 80's!

I rescued a Basenji/Belgian Malanois mix. He has white socks. Does not bark unless highly irritated with stranger. Quietest pup I have ever had. Very high energy, will climb a tree if he is focused on the prize not the task. He will lay down and yodel if he wants something. Best dog I have ever had by far. Love him so much!

Prilala, who

IF you decide to own an Basenji, verify the breeder's credentials. The Basenji that we owned was "psycho" and that's putting it mildly. The first warning should have been the fact that he did bark (at everything) and "yodeled" very little; could not be crate trained; could not be left alone (destructive); could not be around small children. Fortunately, we found a new home for him with lots of room and a family that could devote more time to him.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
i would want to hear that yodel sound, very intetesting

Paula J
I LOVE all dogs!!! And cats, as well

I was absolutely positive it wasn't the Corgi, if the question was which is the Barky'st that would be the answer. I have two Corgis now and I have had four altogether but sadly I lost my sweet boys last year, and I miss them every day. but my two girls are doing well

B Dog
The question was non-barking breed of dog and my first choice was Corgi! 😂 they’re adorable dogs but they are definitely not “barkless”

it's the only dog I don't know

Love dogs and their different mannerisms and personalities, it’s great learning about different breeds and their origins.

My aunt had a Basenji

It's a hunting dog. It was bred from stock originated in Central Africa. Europens first described the Basenji breed in 1895 in the congo.

Ooh, I haven't heard of this breed of dog until now.

funngirl111, sorry to hear of your loss as well

Montana Lady, sorry for your loss, in my life I've loved and lost four dogs and six cats

nimblemoon, same reason I ruled corgis out. lol!

I love how every animal has its own personality 😍

didn't know

Katy Jo
Teslasgirl66, You have to be around one to come to love them! If You like cats best dog/companion in the World!

Player #38618593
Love that movie; have seen it several times on TCM.

Player #27741749, my friend currently has 2 besenji's. They rule the house and will tear up trash if they get to it.. very stubborn dogs. They need extremely firm hand in training!

Teslasgirl66, it's a cute sound. baroo!

Hmmmm.... very interesting on that breed... 🤔

I have never heard of this breed of dog. Seems like a PERFECT pet!!!

Had a dog that was Basenji/Spaniel mix. Best dog I ever had the pleasure of befriending. She loved to chase things, but rarely brought them back. Guess her idea of the game was to make me run as well. Lived to be almost 20 human years. When I finally put her down, I told her, "Thank you for taking such good care of me..."

Flower Lady
my dog Francis was the best little doggie in the world.