Which war included an infantry assault known as Pickett 's Charge?
Correct answer: American Civil War

All war is sad, this was surly sad and very hard on the south.

Redeemed 2001
by far the most brutal war in American history. Everyone who died was an American

War is a horrible thing, let us learn from history lest it be lest it be repeated.

11-11-19 Thank You to all the Veterans for your service

General Lee
I wish I had never ordered Pickett to charge.

Very interesting place to visit.

JR. Gee
this game will brush ya up on history, alot of losses

Player #4451215 reap
Ldybuggs2112, War is part of our history and will continue to be. Participate and work for peace is the only possible remedy to this. Amnesty International, watching or listening to Democracy Now with Amy Goodman for example.

I've had a question about this before and I got it wrong. I read the answer and the comments and this time I got it right, I am in my 70s and I learned something. I love this game !

Redeemed 2001, more men died in the Civil War than in all of our other wars combined

Grillchees, Lot of wars throughout history give testament that we still haven't learned!

Ldybuggs2112, not as hard on Southeners as they were on their slaves. I think they deserved worse.

Redeemed 2001, yes thy were all Americans don’t we forget

war begets war , on we go

soulangiana, actually best you actually read your history:
-Dec 20, 1860 South Carolina Issues their Declaration of Secession. (An illegal act as states can not secede)
-March 1861, Brig Gen P.G.T Beauregard, lays siege to Ft Sumter.
-April 12, 1861 At 4:30 a.m. the Confederates began bombarding Ft Sumter from artillery batteries surrounding the harbor. 34 hours later Maj Anderson surrenders Ft Sumter.
The Confederacy is an illegal entity that needs to aquire the property and armaments of the Federal Gov't to sustain itself. They would need to take what's already there.

Grillchees, u r so right ✅ Donna

Player #6482125
Redeemed 2001, Not exactly everyone... foreigners participated as well.

Player #8259383
Slip of the finger

Player #5602826, Secession was legal during that time. The New England states had actually considered it a few years earlier because they disagreed with the government. That war had many causes. Northern Agression and industrial greed drove the war.

Player #5602826
Funny. I don't have much sympathy for traitors myself. Waging war against 1/3rd of your fellow countrymen so you can keep the other 1/3rd enslaved makes it hard for me to pity your lost cause. They ditched because they lost the democratic process fair and square then they attacked US servicemembers for doing their jobs, starting the war. Not really all that gray of a war in my opinion. Let's shed some pity for the Nazi's who were just following orders while we're at it.

Player #4042708
Mosby was routed by Custer, he was going to hit the line from the rear

Zell. I am a female
I'm just glad i got it right. with nothing helping me

after reading I thought all the deaths this is all you have to say so sad