What is written on the back of the Declaration of Independence?
Correct answer: Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776

So, the declaration of Independence was written on the back of the declaration of Independence? And and the explanation doesn't say anything about what that means.

Player #4250921
Xalver, The Declaration does say something about the government ruling at the consent of the governed. This was not the divine right of kings but an establishment of a noble system where the people had power. Yes it's true that this was not extended to all at first, but it was a beginning to a free nation that continues to be perfected. May God keep this a free nation for all people.

Beautifully written answer!

Keeping the fruits of one's own labor is a bad thing? This basic concept of human rights is why slavery was abolished in the US. Wish it was done world-wide.

elizabeth bennett, actually, read your history. They believed in religious freedom. Several of the framers were agnostics or atheists, but they understood mans need to worship freely.

I learn the answer from movie National Treasure

Player #2929570
So what was written on the front then?

Melode Fidler, it was a STEP! Just like the Civil War was a STEP which led to freeing slaves! Like Suffrage led to women being able to have a sat. Like the Civil Rights Act led to more equality. Unfortunately, civilizations' STEPs usually come by way of violence. Sorry, but we are ALL flawed with prejudices, bigotries, and envies. This world will never be perfect. But each step makes us more human.

Melode Fidler

Theving, maybe paper was scarce or no cocktail naps handy 🤔

Wannabe Vulcan
Theving, yeah, that's what I was hoping to find out.

The founders believed that all people should be free to live their lives with minimal interference from government. Now the current admin wants to track everything we do, from everywhere we go (cellphone tracking) to everything we buy (digital currency). Corruption abounds!

catsmeow9810, No. They understood that freedom of religion would be their best chance to keep any one religious group from gaining political power.

curiouser and curiouser, what was written on the front if the back was the declaration of independence

So I guess there isn't a map on the back of the Declaration like in the movie with lnicholas Cage? Too bad I really liked that story.

Theving, no, that is the actual quote. Kind of like a certificate of authenticity.

mikhawk317, how can you read a map you can't see?

There's a map on the back to a great treasure. It's invisible.

Player #7106191, they said beautifully written...which it was. they didn't say grammatically prefect written. get a life!

A Colorado Jet
Gary, there were deists among the founding fathers. There were also Unitarians who didn’t believe in the holy trinity and humanists who placed importance on human rather than divine matters. Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the declaration, actually compared five different versions of the canon and combined them in a book he called The Teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In his compendium he removed all references to miracles.

Why was the Bible mentioned? What are they trying to prove by comparing??

Player #4250921
2gameORnot2game4mE, According to a Wikipedia article, there was a movement underway in England in the 1770s based on a 1772 court case that helped slaves gain freedom so Xavier's post has some basis in truth. However that movement was of no legal force in the American colonies. 1807 was the year the slave trade was abolished. Slavery itself was not abolished in the British empire until 1833.

Player #4250921
Xalver, Where do you see the phrase"right to keep one's property " in the Declaration.

Player #3366575
Cjrags49, shouldn't it be were deprived? and what about those currently fighting to not be deprived?

Peter Montgomery
Xalver, agree ..

Player #3833664
@Beelzebubba, At that time have u seen records dat Chiense takeaways were around? If not, humour was lost in yr comment for this question

Diver Dan, and everybody still has the right to be wrong, huh?

Player #2577873
Diver Dan, ya think? Ouch.