Why did the pirates wear an eye patch?
Correct answer: To quickly get used to changing lighting

Wow. what a great question. I had no idea.

KrazyBanana10265, Me neither. What a great fact!

Player #186546
thank you

Owd Beechy
riel, I agree with riels interpretation on this , eye injuries were not uncommon in sword/ sabré fighting and splinter injuries on timber ships were also frequent.

This is almost certainly a myth. There is no evidence that eyepatches were used that way, and even the popular image of pirates with eyepatches originates in 19th century fiction. However, from naval history we know that splinter/shrapnel injuries were common enough in the 'Age of Sails', so if a pirate did have an eyepatch it was most likely due to an eye injury.

All sailors aren’t pirates and vice versa.

Good to know.

Player #48458
Rayetta Childers, I thought pirates wore a patch to cover a missing eye this is very useful info