What river flows between Nebraska and Iowa?

Correct answer: Missouri River

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Player #18854801
Player #18854801
During my summer break from school, at 12 years of age, I asked my aunt if she would drive me to free swimming lessons 20 blocks from my residence. She replied she was too busy. I relentlessly asked mother if she would allow me to walk the distance alone. She finally relented. I never missed a class of 2 days a week for 6 weeks. I learned to swim. A few weeks later our families week to a river to barbeque. My cousin and I wandered into the river. As we stepped off into deep water, she grabbed me, and I realized she was drowning. Never learning life-saving techniques, I had to improvise pushing/pulling, until I maneuvered her to shallow water. I realized I had saved her. She was the daughter of my aunt who was too busy to drive me to swim lessons.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
Try that again, the 3 rivers come together, and the Missouri starts in 3 Forks, MT... still awesome fly-fishing! ;-)
Player #9495659
Player #9495659
SparkyChaz2018, You are so right. I was born and raised in Nebraska. I can recall a restaurant that floated in the Missouri river. It was a relaxing way to spend an evening. You saw birds and other animals around it; that is far from the way the river appears today. There are no restaurant boats and the birds are smart enough to stay away. The only time I hear about the river is when a kid somehow ends up in it and dies. The river appears calm, when in reality the currents are strong.
Player #9495659
Player #9495659
DenisDestructo58, When was the last time you tried to fish in the Missouri river? If there are living fish there, I strongly recommend that you throw back what you catch. The river is so filthy and toxic, I would not risk eating fish from it. God help you if you or a child slips and falls into the river. The state's recreational professionals do little to improve that area. So, you could be standing on an unsafe area and fall in. The currents are treacherous, so you would most likely drown.. It happens every summer.
Snubby405, crossed that river many times and seen it in flood in '93. we were on our way to grandparents for the summer.once crossed it by train. am I dating myself ?
Player #10628065
Player #10628065
Rivers are dangerous. My nieces and nephew found two bodies of drowned victims while playing in a river much a smaller than the Missouri. I saved my cousin from drowning in a river at 10 years old, only days from learning to swim myself.
I live in NE, at one time the river, was beautiful, but now it is so polluted, at least it is true in the area around Bellevue, NE.
Player #9495659
Player #9495659
I would have humiliated myself, had I gotten this question wrong, because I have lived in both states.
According to the USGS the Missouri is the longest river in North America.
Yep, good old Three Forks, Montana is where the Jefferson, Madison, Gallatin Rivers come together to form the Missouri River. It's the same river that was fought over a little father downstream in Standing Rock and eventually flows into the Mississippi right around Saint Louis...
I have lived my whole life in and around NYC but I have heard of the great power, immense size, and awesome length of these two mighty rivers. Some day I hope to see them up close and personal. I have a large map of the US on my study wall so I knew it had to be the Mississippi or the Missouri.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Player #18854801, Glad you persevered and was able to learn to swim. I imagine your Aunt reflected on how life would change badly if you didn't
Linda Shaw
Linda Shaw
Player #9495659, yikes!😨
Player #9231778
Player #9231778
Player #9495659, eis
Player #5259313, Actually, it's impossible to know. the Missouri & Mississippi make natural course adjustments due to rainfall & drought, so the actual lengths vary constantly.
GotTea18, I'm from St Joseph, just NW of you, 10 min from the MO river
Player #2460227, I live about 10 min from it. my sister near St Louis lost her home in the flood of 93
let's eat tacos
hit the wrong button
Helps that I'm from Kansas City
Mstan60, actually the Mississippi is 7 miles longer.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
The 3 rivers start in 3-Forks, MT... awesome fly-fishing!
I didn't know it was that long.