What musical instrument's name means "bells playing" in German?
Correct answer: Glockenspiel

If the question has anything to do with German, just pick the longest word!

Player #4187955
i played the glock in a marching bandfor msny yesrs when i wss a kid. my legs look good from all those years marching n carrying that heavy instrument

God speed Neil Peart

Player #21374632
nimblemoon, true, long German words are just a bunch of little words put together and really look 👀 hard , impressive,lol. but a fun language when you study 📖 it. bis spater,,!see you later..

Player #24622884
don't blame me

Peanut Butter
Rush!!!!! Neil Peart RIP.

Guten morgen, herr gutenberg.

Player #4187955, das iss gu'd.

bluenoser, the Professor still reigns!!

Player #4187955, me too. My mom said that she could hear me first

Player #3834770
I I know it because I am German I know it