What is epiphytology?
Correct answer: The study of plant diseases

Sometimes the picture helps.

An epiphyte is usually known as an air plant, using other plants as hosts but it is not always parasitic. So I don't see where disease enters.

wattbo, and sometimes it doesn't 😉. I got it wrong

* Seshati *
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of epiphytology is as follows:
1 : a science that deals with character, ecology, and causes of outbreak of plant diseases especially of epiphytotic nature
2 : the sum of the factors controlling the presence or absence of a disease or pathogen of plants.

Player #2229449
Study of plant diseases is plant pathology, not whatever tongue twister on this question.

Andy Underwood
epiphytes not disease, Americans dictionary has it wrong!

damn, got caught out on epiphytes.

wattbo, yes and sometimes it has nothing to do with the question