What was the final battleship to be completed by the U.S.A?
Correct answer: USS Missouri

thank you for your service Mighty Mo!!

mississippi kid
God bless the sailors who sailed her into battle and in peace

my father-in-law served upon Big Mo.

wildlifebuffet, No, it is a very interesting case. Both vessels were ordered in late 1940. USS Missouri was first and became BB-63, USS Wisconsin was ordered next and became BB-64. The problem is that work on BB-63 was slower than that on BB-64. USS Wisconsin was launched in 1943, USS Missouri was launched in 1944. So “The Mighty Mo” even though ordered first was last down the ways. There were a BB-65 and BB-66 ordered in 1942 but they were never completed.

mississippi kid, One of my best friends served on her I. Desert Storm. I have been aboard her in CA before she was decommissioned. I still remember her wooden decks.

My father served on her during Desert Storm.

Player #3368877
Player #Scarlett, I was there watching when Mighty Mo was towed by the Waikiki. It was raining and then the Sun broke through, very surreal yet fitting.

mississippi kid, my father served on the Mighty Mo, he spoke often of her💟

Roadside attraction
I boarded her in her resting place , Hawai'i . She's still amazing !

Player Tystyx
Our Ship escorted The USS New Jersey(BB-62) the sister ship. It was AMAZING to watch those 16 inch guns fire.

Player #119692461
God bless all who served on her. and thank you to all veterans for their service and the freedoms we all enjoy today.

One signifies the beginning of WW2 and the other the end of the war!! How fitting that they lay to rest together!!

She’s not only guarding the men entombed in the Arizona, she’s honoring them and showing respect.

I saw Big Mo sail into San Diego harbor in 1984

I misread that one.

Player #46965921
Player #HoneyHeart, Overtime ships have many crews.

Player #HoneyHeart
I didn't realize battleships could get awards-- after all, it is the crew on board that actually performs the successes.

Player #35590885
It's not up to date. There's a new one since then.

Player #33994876
December 7 1943 was the commission date of the USS Wisconsin BB 64

When I was in my school at Point Mugu to become an electronics technician, the Missouri came to our range for gunnery exercises. When she fired her guns, the whole building shook and the teacher had to pause his lecture, because we couldn't hear him. Even though she was a couple of miles offshore, it was amazingly loud!

USS Texas was commissioned and finished in 1892 before the Missouri

Four years is excellent.....How long does it take now?

Player #10719233
my Dad served on the MO well and Korea.We have pictures of the signing of the Japanese surrender. We toured her as a family in 2008 in Hawaii. A very humbling experience.

Player #11265511
answer is wrong. USS Wisconsin was the last battleship.

My husband Doc had the honor of serving as a Tour Guide for 10 years and loved it!

FriedLoon508, he likes weed

Gacha Tornado, and your point?

Poorly worded.

Player #4873457
also ww.was war destroyer s it's small ,and in Seattle.

The Missouri River is on the outtet edge of my town, Council Bluffs Iowa.I have been there many,many times it's very beautiful!!!!

Player #1394933, remember the Maine

Player #Scarlett
some of the dates might be off . I was in Hawaii in '90 and it was a Museum then.