What lake in Oregon was created about 7,000 years ago by the eruption of Mount Mazama?
Correct answer: Crater Lake

I'm from Oregon. I suggest Crater Lake to camping enthusiasts. There's NO motorized boats allowed on the lake. That's why it's so clean.

kristin51480, I visited Crater Lake about 5 years ago. It is stunningly beautiful. I was especially awed over how crystal blue and clear it is. The reflection of the clouds were so perfect it was like seeing two skies!

Crater Lake is an hour up the road from me. I live in southern Oregon. 😍 I have been there many times and the beauty never gets old. It is very peaceful. It has summer accomodations, a cute guft shop, and even boasts it's own post office next door to the visitors center. I recommend taking the detour to stop by up there if you are ever driving through beautiful southern Oregon!

wow i love that this game gives you this information.

I have sailed the Carribian extensively, and in '07 visited Crater Lake. The color of the water is unmatched by anything else I've seen. The blue is almost iridescent. Truly amazing.

PlaidCat2654, I live in Portland, so I hope it stays just the way it is!

I love Crater Lake! I went in the spring and there was snow everywhere but it was warm. We had a snowball fight in our shorts and flip-flops.

It just seems like yesterday that I went to
Crater Lake with my two sons and climbed up to the crater of Mazama and looked down to its bottom. That was over 30 years ago. My youngest son just turned 40 and we celebrated his birthday on the 4th of July. So many happy memories.🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍

SASQUATCH gets drinking water here!!....beautiful place 🎣😎💖

Rissa Firecat
Crater lake is beautiful!

Dark Chocolate
Love it there. It is beautiful; all of Oregon except the main cities- I know live here- Alt of people especially children goes missing there. Do not know why- People also have died there; something about two gods fighting in Native American Heritage.

beautiful Oregon!!!


so beaut- SASQUATCH :D

Lionessa, what does this have to do with Crater Lake? Stay on the topic.

It sounds so beautiful and it's clean. That is wonderful. I was surprised that with no incoming water (or outgoing) it stays full. Snow melt and clean.

StingingAlly77120, Yes I do.

mental. com, I agree totally with you.

QUIZ-WHIZ, God is the Creator and He does an incredible job.

kitty kitty cat, That's really messed up and unfortunate.

Player #25672957, Right, that name fits better.

Player #30134396, Yeah, I totally don't understand people in any way at all, that have to litter. They should be way more appreciative and respectful.

Jo Mama, Never heard of it but I will have to look it up.

Debra, Wouldn't that be awesome.

RaunchRabbit1, Incredible right?

CelticStonerGrrrl, I also live in Oregon. I have seen it twice 20 years ago and then 15 years later. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in the entire world. I would love to go again. It's an 8 hrs. drive but well worth it. Anybody who comes to Oregon should make it a point to go. I probably will never get to see it again because we are moving to Arizona soon. Crater Lake is a total beautiful creation from God. Absolutely stunning and extremely beautiful.

Lynnetta Gaskins
I guest it got it right Crater Lake

scropion1968, I definitely agree. 👍

Karen brooks
my dad was stationed in Seattle Washington during Korea war but as they're unit was going thru my dad said that Oregon is the most state he'd ever seen. I would like very much to see Oregon one day

kristin51480, I live in Roseburg so agree with you completely.

Free Pilot
CelticStonerGrrrl, I'll from Oregon too..

Jo Mama, I'm from Southern Oregon, too! Amazing how many Oregonians are on here! Maybe we'll all meet at Crater Lake for a picnic some day! 😀

Great place to visit👍

Jo Mama
woah, lots of Oregonians here(including me)😁 anyone been out to wizard island?

CPAP seller
It's a beautiful lake

Terah Rae
Player #34847908, great game!

Isn't this the setting of Alan Wake?

Player #34847908
I only knew this because of days gone who said you can't learn from video games

Player #30134396
I think that we should all respect the lakes because when i went there there was more then 5 pieces 3 trash.

Player #25672957
Wonder why it was renamed Crater Lake, having visited several times Lake Majestic seems like a better name.