The moon "Charon" is a satellite of which planetary body in the Solar System?

Correct answer: Pluto

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Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Player #24358685, "Mars has only two planets [sic]..."??? What does that have to do with anything? Venus—especially for its size—doesn't even have a tiny, single one (Mercury, for being so small and so close to the Sun, could be excused). Shouldn't it also be relegated? Eurybates, a trojan of Jupiter, despite its proximity to the gas giant, has a satellite of its own. Should it, then, be reclassified as a 'full' planet?
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Mars has only two planets, and both Phobos and Deimos are tiny, oddly-shaped objects. So Pluto has a spherical moon, but because that makes their reclassification of Pluto more questionable, they will declare Charon a dwarf planet--Pluto's equal. Arrogance among intellectuals is some of the ugliest. Perhaps the definition for planet is insufficient.
I cant believe Pluto is no longer considered a Plantet!! Does that mean we only have 7 planets now??