Which of these films was the sequel to the film "The Silence of the Lambs"?
Correct answer: Hannibal

CcMYoPiK #21957451
Hopkins was major creepy but couldn't help respecting his Hannibal

Hopkins nailed it with his expressions. He made it really intense.

Suchhh a creepy movie! Anthony Hopkins is a great actor. I’ve enjoyed everything he’s played in.

All the Hannibal Lector films and books were so well done and SO disturbing.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Manhunter (1986) is the least known film, but was very good. If you watch Manhunter (1986) back to back with Red Dragon (2002) you can definitely tell that a large percentage of the script is from the original Manhunter (1986). For the most part Red Dragon (2002) is a remake, which is disappointing to say the least.

Player #97184361, I like horror movies, some of them. Saw, any of them, I Will Not watch!! Too gruesome!!

In the book, Hannibal chops off Clarice's cuffed hand, but in the movie he chops off his own.

Mars V
Who names their child Hannibal, first of all. Then he becomes a cannibal? Super corny!

Player #93460997
In the book , Hannibal , Lecter and Clarice end up getting together as a couple . The movie butchered the book which was good. You end up actually understanding Lecter and having compassion , nevertheless aster reading these books and especially Red Dragon, I’m creeped out by Thomas Harris though I respect his writing

Player #97184361
J, If you really want to be scared, go on to watch all the Saw’s movies. You need to be on the couch of a good Psychiatrist. ! ! !😳