Who wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking", first published in 1952?
Correct answer: Norman Vincent Peale

Player #4250921
I haven't read the book but it just makes sense that people who think positive will be happier. When you focus on good things you will generally have a better outlook.

Wonderful read!!! Love Norman Vincent Peale!

I know nothing about this book or the author. However, if the facts as stated in the explaination are accurate, there does appear to be some "fishy" circumstances around the whole affair. As the old saying goes, "if it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck...."

:(Nancy E):
I had a boss that gave copies of this book away to any he thought would use the information to the best advantage. He claimed it changed his life.

Player #49986886
Player #4250921, I read the book in 1972, and loved it. Of course, there were few books of this type back then. I do not think he's a scam or con at all.

Player #58092313
Player #4250921,
makes better sense...
if you see someone without a smile, give him/her one of yours

Player #49986886
:(Nancy E):, It kind of did mine as well

Player #2512936
I have read The book years ago. One Thing it taught me was to examine Things from all Angles. Nothing is 100 % good or bad. If You believe Something will Happen in Your favor Then You will more likely put Out The effort to achieve it.

Sique O'Vit
Abraham Hicks perfect option!