What was the first building in the world to have more than 100 floors?
Correct answer: Empire State Building

Great views of the city from the top of this beautiful building

I was scared spitless when I was fortunate enough to visit NYC with my sons and go to the top of this building but I did my best to pretend so that my kids wouldn't think it was anything to be afraid of, lol. I have always been afraid of heights but being up there gave me a sensation like vertigo. Very unnerving for me but my boys had a blast.

Player #961088
wonderful unforgetable views

Credit to those who built it. Working at great heights with little to no safety compared to today's workers. Takes courage.

This famous building has been in over 250 movies like "Elf", "An Affair to Remember" and " Sleepless in Seattle". Iconic symbol.

Only in New York can one see such wonders,it also has many more. One should put them on their bucket list, as it is well worth the effort!

Player #25874027
What’s even more amazing is that it was built within the scheduled time
King Kong can't be wrong.

Player Gigi #28446253
What a thrill, to go to the top of the Empire State Building! No matter how many buildings get built higher, that trip will always be amazing and no matter how old you are!

most memorable building known so far 💕

There is another Empire State Building in downtown Spokane WA. I tell my friends I pass by the Empire State Building four times a week.

little b
I've not been to the empire state building

Player #120374466
Sandyberry, Good for you Sandy!
I don't I could of pulled it off as well you did. As a kid didn't I go up the elevator to the top. I stayed in the gift shop.

Player #120374466
Hard to believe that building is 93 year old. A testament to the good workmanship of those Depression era days.

Nobby Deux
Visited last year and it's a wonderful building with a fascinating museum on the way up. A brilliant visit and the only place in NYC where I wasn't asked for a 25% tip for someone doing the job they are paid to do.

NickieBags, that's why KingKong liked it

Nexus 6
In July of 1945 a B-25 aircraft crashed into the Empire State Building due to fog. Sadly, 14 people were killed but the structural integrity of the building was not compromised.

Player #45500588
The cars below looked like matchbox cars. We saw it at night. It’s beautiful!!!!!

Chris Lucas, Didn't know about that. Thanks for the info.

The inside wasn't up to much when I went

I wish the explanation was in point form. Not in paragraphs.

Chris Lucas
Correction... it was the 86th floor, not the 87th.

Chris Lucas
Also famed for Evelyn McHale's suicide leap from the observation deck on the 87th floor in 1947. It was known as "A Beautiful Suicide" by the person who took the photo.

Player #13023389
Now on my bucket list. I've been to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The climb up the Statue of Liberty seemed to take forever. Debby

It is more defficult

Olympus is on 600rth floor

Player #29139999

I am 8 .I got it correct it was easy!

Visiting this building is a unforgettable experience..mind blowingly beautiful views

DearHamtaro, Its Ted Mosby's favorite building but he surely didnt design it.

Jessica Simpson
Player #23236242, Chrysler building has 77 floors. Look it up.

Player #25144199
The most iconic skyscraper in the world

it's the building that Ted Mosby deisgned

Player #23236242
chysler is first building to have 100 floors

I definitely knew that from 500 days of summer!

Player #2500068, I imagine it's less so when biplanes get in the way #kingkong