What does a “tongue depressor” look like?
Correct answer: Like a Popsicle stick

I hate having those things stuck in my mouth!!

In England we call it a lolly stick as we eat lollies not popsicles

Now, for children, these are flavored!

penawareof, to help prevent gagging, open wide and pant like a puppy. it really does help.

Player #13942859
RedHandsDancing, in Australia we call the icy pole sticks.

Its called a stiff licker.

Flat Stanley

Player #38310728
beauticians also use them for spreading wax on the body to remove body hair 😊

popsicle isn't a term used in England

wow I've never gotten any chance to be used on any,thank God coz it seems depressing

Cat Mom
penawareof, yes, the gag me!

"Popsicle" is listed in the OXFORD English dictionary as a "piece of ice, flavored of fruit, on a stick. A lolly."

“The” Mystery Man
Since a tongue depressor already looks like a popsicle stick, why not have a little flavor on the reminds a kid of a popsicle. Then, having on stuck down someone’s throat might be a little more enjoyable.

oh woaw this is so easy

Giggle pig
penawareof, Yeah at least they could put a popsicle on it!

Remember on MASH when Hawkeye received 5000 tongue depressors and built a monument to his friends?

if they actually used Popsicles maybe I would like the doctor touching me more bye

they are also used to check for throat infections

Player JD
Player #38310728, WOW multiple uses for a flat piece of wood! IMAGINE THAT!!

We call it an "Ahh Stick".

I had a ice cream yestrday and it got stuck for a few seconds, luckily it came out.

Destynee Everly
Ahh, so that’s what it’s called! A tongue depressor! I thought they just decided to use popsicles stick because it’s flat!

George Headbanger Lemmy
malakia gonewn

Hyacinth33, I didn't know that.

Player #32919374
a flat stick is a popsicle thank you

that is so not true..wooden sticks do help in depressing tongue but used in large scale case check ups..but surgical cases we use metal tongue depressors.

Player #25874027
A popsicle is an American thing , so anywhere but there is the answer
never enough dogs
Hyacinth33, I would ask for a child's tongue depressor then 😁😁

Player cindyandjoe
it reely helps 😘😘

Player boss
RedHandsDancing, And you eat limes

Player #6434566
penawareof, yjjygutfu8duhdiddhrudyrutiruridur

Player #22075914
not for cows it's a huge clamp need to be more specific for who or what its for

Player #21926712
penawareof, me too

we call them lollipop sticks. can we stop having colloquial answers please?

01001101 01100101, that sucks poor you

in Canada they are wooden popsicle sticks. Not much of a difference from what they called it.