What does a “tongue depressor” look like?
Correct answer: Like a Popsicle stick
I hate having those things stuck in my mouth!!
In England we call it a lolly stick as we eat lollies not popsicles
Now, for children, these are flavored!
penawareof, to help prevent gagging, open wide and pant like a puppy. it really does help.
Player #13942859
RedHandsDancing, in Australia we call the icy pole sticks.
Its called a stiff licker.
Flat Stanley
Player #38310728
beauticians also use them for spreading wax on the body to remove body hair 😊
popsicle isn't a term used in England
used to make me gag
Cat Mom
penawareof, yes, the gag me!
"Popsicle" is listed in the OXFORD English dictionary as a "piece of ice, flavored of fruit, on a stick. A lolly."
Popsicle? Am sure you can come up with a more global description :-)
“The” Mystery Man
Since a tongue depressor already looks like a popsicle stick, why not have a little flavor on the reminds a kid of a popsicle. Then, having on stuck down someone’s throat might be a little more enjoyable.
oh woaw this is so easy
Giggle pig
penawareof, Yeah at least they could put a popsicle on it!
Remember on MASH when Hawkeye received 5000 tongue depressors and built a monument to his friends?
if they actually used Popsicles maybe I would like the doctor touching me more bye
they are also used to check for throat infections
Player JD
Player #38310728, WOW multiple uses for a flat piece of wood! IMAGINE THAT!!
We call it an "Ahh Stick".
I had a ice cream yestrday and it got stuck for a few seconds, luckily it came out.
Destynee Everly
Ahh, so that’s what it’s called! A tongue depressor! I thought they just decided to use popsicles stick because it’s flat!
George Headbanger Lemmy
malakia gonewn
Hyacinth33, I didn't know that.
Player #32919374
a flat stick is a popsicle thank you
that is so not true..wooden sticks do help in depressing tongue but used in large scale case check ups..but surgical cases we use metal tongue depressors.
Player #25874027
A popsicle is an American thing , so anywhere but there is the answer
wow I've never gotten any chance to be used on any,thank God coz it seems depressing
never enough dogs
Hyacinth33, I would ask for a child's tongue depressor then 😁😁
Player cindyandjoe
it reely helps 😘😘
Player boss
RedHandsDancing, And you eat limes
Player #6434566
penawareof, yjjygutfu8duhdiddhrudyrutiruridur
Player #22075914
not for cows it's a huge clamp need to be more specific for who or what its for
Player #21926712
penawareof, me too
we call them lollipop sticks. can we stop having colloquial answers please?
01001101 01100101, that sucks poor you