What professional sport was banned in Sweden between 1970 and 2007?
Correct answer: Boxing
personally I think should be banned completely
Saudi Arabia beheads people yet bans boxing?
I suppose we all have the right to choose what we want to do with our lives, and we also have the right to deal with the consequences of that choice don't we?!
saudi arabia banned boxing? They torture their own and worse - what a joke
I never have understood the interest in watching two men try to beat each others' brains out.
EternalLord3002, why people arent forced to box its a choice and the people doing it know the risk. just cuz you dont like it doesn't mean it should be banned
alot of the countries mentioned still stone women in the streets.for Evan supposedly inappropriate behavior.and what about female circumcision??. Boxing when done with the Marcus of Queensbury rules is a noble sport...A good punch in the nose...stops alot of bad behavior quick.
EternalLord3002, soon, government sanctioned murder in the name of a perceived moral high ground is acceptable but consenting competition isn't? if u don't like it then don't be a boxer, people's freedoms are being eroded daily in the name of protecting us from ourselves.
head to head in football. lots of concussions ban this sport it's over rated and over paid.
:(Nancy E):
I have never understood the attraction of boxing. But not a sports fan of any kind.
Any doctor can tell you that a knockout punch is caused by one player causing brain damage to the other causing him/her to pass out. As that is the sole purpose of the sport, why call it a sport? How can you compare it to getting a ball in a hole, the basket, over the bar, across the line, or physical sports like swimming, running, etc. where everyone is just trying to do things better or faster, not trying to cause brain damage?
Player #desone
American football. I have family who plays, but I worry about brain injury! Especially in kids hurting their young brains. I like watching and understand the allure... But at what cost?! Even higher amount of "head protection" there is still grave damage done... For sport and Money.
penawareof, Amazingly, there are many a woman including Ali's own daughter who box so not exclusive to man. Was going to point out that sadly we as humans have always had a need for violent sports especially if you think back to the gladiator days. Guess you could see boxing and wrestling type sports as the modern day and transitioned gladiator events...😁
FunkyMonkey, we need cars for transportation. we do not have a need for boxing to manage our lives.
John 1965
adams101313, I think you're missing the point. it's not the boxers that are the problem. it's the people who want to watch two people beat the snot out of each other. yet we decry the Roman arenas as barbaric. I see no difference.
Keep your guard up.
Dude, i watched a Dhar Mann video about a dad favoring his two sons over another just because they’re good at boxing…two of them died because of him, and only the middle one remained…
it was very nice 💯
karn, 1 v 1 me
thats because zlatan ibrahimovic wanted to try it so he went to football instead
Giggle Pig
UndercoverKey2606, you are right.
RuralVortex69725, yes,,women are still being treated terrible by men in some countries and that treatment should be banned also also,,
I know that Sylvester Stallone and even Mike Tyson are very great and good boxers by kick-boxing especially in Rocky series.
im not that good at this
I think it should be banned everywhere
Summerside217,If this iswhy are some
adams101313, yes we do have that right. as long as others don't pay our medical expenses for luf
Birdiemom, it isn't only men anymore
can you sand me hard question
Depends on how it is handled - growing up my sibling's and I would fight and argue , so my dad started have us put on boxing gloves and Duke it out . It settled problems , no hard feeling's and no serious injuries
When I was between preteen and early teens when we got in fights at home, my dad got so tired of itv
Souljah Gal
UndercoverKey2606, Well one day you might just be KNG PUNCHED Hehehehe
Souljah Gal
adams101313, Like everything in life you have choices just make the right choice, if you like fighting and love smashing people then go for gold
Souljah Gal
EternalLord3002, I agree
Puma Girl
it's barbarian, why was it ever considered a sport?
Puma Girl
Boxing should be banned worldwide. It's not a sport at all.
Puma Girl
EternalLord3002, my thoughts exactly.
Luna-tic, They Should Ban wars
I think that it should ban in whole world
John 1965, Gladiators were forced. Boxers are not. It’s their choice although poor choice I would say.
Hunger Knowledge
For a sport that can KILL or parallel an opponent it's understandable why the sport would banned in other countries
Boxing unlike wrestling are some of the professional sports that sounds like suicidal mission
I will never play Royal match..so annoying
EternalLord3002, same here!
what about wrestling, people getting picked up and body slammed. No different than boxing.
I agree that people have a choice of what to do with their own bodies as long as they understand the consequences.
I do worry that this craze of teens boxing without proper instruction is dangerous. I don't think young teens REALLY understand the hazards of boxing.